J.A. de Azcarraga
J.A. de Azcarraga
Valencia University and IFIC (CSIC-UV)
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Lie groups, Lie algebras, cohomology and some applications in physics
JA de Azcárraga, JM Izquierdo
Cambridge University Press, 1998
Topological extensions of the supersymmetry algebra for extended objects
JMIPKT JA de Azcarraga, JP Gauntlett
Phys. Rev. Lett. 63, 2443, 1989
Supersymmetric particles with internal symmetries and central charges
JA de Azcárraga, J Lukierski
Physics Letters B 113 (2), 170-174, 1982
Generating Lie and gauge free differential (super) algebras by expanding Maurer–Cartan forms and Chern–Simons supergravity
JA de Azcarraga, JM Izquierdo, M Picon, O Varela
Nuclear Physics B 662 (1-2), 185-219, 2003
n-ary algebras: A review with applications
JA de Azcárraga, JM Izquierdo
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 43 (29), 293001, 2010
Quantization as a consequence of the symmetry group: An approach to geometric quantization
V Aldaya, JA de Azcarraga
Journal of Mathematical Physics 23 (7), 1297-1305, 1982
Superconformal mechanics, black holes, and nonlinear realizations
JA De Azcárraga, JM Izquierdo, JCP Bueno, PK Townsend
Physical Review D 59 (8), 084015, 1999
Invariant tensors for simple groups
JA De Azcarraga, AJ Macfarlane, AJ Mountain, JCP Bueno
Nuclear Physics B 510 (3), 657-687, 1998
The geometry of branes and extended superspaces
C Chryssomalakos, JA De Azcárraga, JM Izquierdo, JCP Bueno
Nuclear Physics B 567 (1-2), 293-330, 2000
The Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket, cohomology and generalized Poisson structures
JA De Azcarraga, AM Perelomov, JCP Bueno
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 29 (24), 7993, 1996
Supersymmetric particles in N= 2 superspace: Phase-space variables and Hamiltonian dynamics
JA de Azcarraga, J Lukierski
Physical Review D 28 (6), 1337, 1983
Superspace geometry and classification of supersymmetric extended objects
JA De Azcarraga, PK Townsend
Physical review letters 62 (22), 2579, 1989
Group theoretical foundations of fractional supersymmetry
JA de Azcarraga, AJ Macfarlane
Journal of Mathematical Physics 37 (3), 1115-1127, 1996
Higher-order simple Lie algebras
JA De Azcarraga, JC Pérez Bueno
Communications in mathematical physics 184, 669-681, 1997
BPS states in M theory and twistorial constituents
IA Bandos, JA De Azcárraga, JM Izquierdo, J Lukierski
Physical review letters 86 (20), 4451, 2001
Dynamics of higher spin fields and tensorial space
I Bandos, X Bekaert, JA de Azcárraga, D Sorokin, M Tsulaia
Journal of High Energy Physics 2005 (05), 031, 2005
Variational principles on rth order jets of fibre bundles in field theory
V Aldaya, JA de Azcarraga
Journal of Mathematical Physics 19 (9), 1869-1875, 1978
Generalized cosmological term from Maxwell symmetries
JA de Azcárraga, K Kamimura, J Lukierski
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 83 (12), 124036, 2011
Geometric formulation of classical mechanics and field theory
V Aldaya, JA de Azcarraga
Riv. Nuovo Cim 3 (10), 1-64, 1980
Expansions of algebras and superalgebras and some applications
JA de Azcárraga, JM Izquierdo, M Picón, O Varela
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 46, 2738-2752, 2007
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Articles 1–20