Harsh L. Shah
Harsh L. Shah
CEO, AgroCast Analytics Pvt Ltd
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Hydroclimatological perspective of the Kerala flood of 2018
V Mishra, HL Shah
Journal of the Geological Society of India 92, 645-650, 2018
Hydrologic changes in Indian subcontinental river basins (1901–2012)
HL Shah, V Mishra
Journal of Hydrometeorology 17 (10), 2667-2687, 2016
Reconstruction of droughts in India using multiple land-surface models (1951–2015)
V Mishra, R Shah, S Azhar, H Shah, P Modi, R Kumar
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (4), 2269-2284, 2018
Projected increase in hydropower production in India under climate change
SA Ali, S Aadhar, HL Shah, V Mishra
Scientific reports 8 (1), 12450, 2018
Propagation of forcing and model uncertainties on to hydrological drought characteristics in a multi-model century-long experiment in large river basins
L Samaniego, R Kumar, L Breuer, A Chamorro, M Flörke, IG Pechlivanidis, ...
Climatic Change 141, 435-449, 2017
Uncertainty and bias in satellite-based precipitation estimates over Indian subcontinental basins: Implications for real-time streamflow simulation and flood prediction
HL Shah, V Mishra
Journal of Hydrometeorology 17 (2), 615-636, 2016
Strong influence of irrigation on water budget and land surface temperature in Indian subcontinental river basins
HL Shah, T Zhou, M Huang, V Mishra
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124 (3), 1449-1462, 2019
Understanding each other's models: an introduction and a standard representation of 16 global water models to support intercomparison, improvement, and communication
CE Telteu, H Müller Schmied, W Thiery, G Leng, P Burek, X Liu, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 14 (6), 3843-3878, 2021
Contrasting influence of human activities on agricultural and hydrological droughts in India
D Shah, HL Shah, HM Dave, V Mishra
Science of the Total Environment 774, 144959, 2021
Multimodel assessment of water budget in Indian sub-continental river basins
AP Kushwaha, AD Tiwari, S Dangar, H Shah, SS Mahto, V Mishra
Journal of Hydrology 603, 126977, 2021
Multimodel assessment of sensitivity and uncertainty of evapotranspiration and a proxy for available water resources under climate change
V Mishra, R Kumar, HL Shah, L Samaniego, S Eisner, T Yang
Climatic Change 141, 451-465, 2017
Impacts of hydrological model calibration on projected hydrological changes under climate change—a multi-model assessment in three large river basins
S Huang, H Shah, BS Naz, N Shrestha, V Mishra, P Daggupati, U Ghimire, ...
Climatic Change 163, 1143-1164, 2020
Roles of irrigation and reservoir operations in modulating terrestrial water and energy budgets in the Indian Subcontinental River basins
HL Shah, T Zhou, N Sun, M Huang, V Mishra
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124 (23), 12915-12936, 2019
Does comprehensive evaluation of hydrological models influence projected changes of mean and high flows in the Godavari River basin?
V Mishra, H Shah, MRR López, A Lobanova, V Krysanova
Climatic Change 163, 1187-1205, 2020
Climate change impacts on streamflow in India
HL Shah, V Mishra
Climate change and water resources in India, 39-52, 2018
Similarities and differences among fifteen global water models in simulating the vertical water balance
CE Telteu, H Müller Schmied, W Thiery, G Leng, P Burek, X Liu, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 7549, 2020
Projected Increase in Hydropower Production in India under Climate Change
S Aadhar, V Mishra, SA Ali, HL Shah
AGU Fall Meeting 2018, 2018
Projected Increase in Hydropower Production in India under Climate Change
V Mishra, S Aadhar, SA Ali, HL Shah
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, H31N-2149, 2018
Influence of irrigation on water budgets in the Indian sub-continental river basins
H Shah, T Zhou, M Huang, V Mishra
AOGS Conference, 2018
Projected changes in irrigation water demand in the Ganges basin
HL Shah, V Mishra
Impacts World Conference, 2017
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Articles 1–20