Ingrid Esser
Ingrid Esser
Associate Prof., Södertörn Univ., Swedish Institute for Social Reserach, Stockholm Univ.
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Cited by
Perceived job quality: Autonomy and job security within a multi-level framework
I Esser, KM Olsen
European sociological review 28 (4), 443-454, 2012
Unemployment benefits in EU member states
I Esser, T Ferrarini, K Nelson, J Palme, O Sjöberg
Europeiska kommissionen, 2013
Why work?: comparative studies on welfare regimes and individuals' work orientations
I Esser
SOFI, 2005
Continued Work or Retirement?: Preferred Exit-age in Western European countries
I Esser
Institutet för Framtidsstudier, 2005
Do public pensions matter for health and wellbeing among retired persons? Basic and income security pensions across 13 Western European countries
I Esser, J Palme
International Journal of Social Welfare 19, S103-S120, 2010
Modell i förändring. Landrapport om Sverige
T Berglund, I Esser
Oslo, Fafo, 2014
Has safety made us lazy? Employment commitment in different welfare states
I Esser
Sage Publications Ltd., London, 2009
Job preferences in comparative perspective 1989–2015: A multidimensional evaluation of individual and contextual influences
I Esser, A Lindh
International Journal of Sociology 48 (2), 142-169, 2018
A framework for comparing social protection in developing and developed countries: The example of child benefits
I Esser, T Ferrarini, K Nelson, O Sjöberg
International Social Security Review 62 (1), 91-115, 2009
Why work
I Esser
Comparative studies on welfare regimes and individuals' work orientations …, 2005
Matched on job qualities? Single and coupled parents in European comparison
I Esser, KM Olsen
The triple bind of single-parent families, 285-310, 2018
Has Safety Made People Lazy? Employment Commitment across Welfare States
I Esser
Alison Park et al. British Social Attitudes. The 25th Report. British Social …, 2008
Modell i förändring
T Berglund, I Esser
Landrapport om Sverige. Fafo-rapport 10, 2014
Unemploy& ment benefits in EU Member States, report prepared for the use of the European Commission, DG Employment
I Esser, T Ferrarini, K Nelson, J Palme, O Sjöberg
Social Affairs and Inclusion, 2013
Family Policy, Perceived Stress and Work-Family Conflict A Comparative Analysis of Women in 20 Welfare States
I Esser, T Ferrarini
Arbetsrapport, 2010
Interdependent pathways between socioeconomic position and health: a Swedish longitudinal register-based study
J Rehnberg, O Östergren, I Esser, O Lundberg
Social Science & Medicine 280, 114038, 2021
Unemployment Benefits in EU Member States. European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment
I Esser, T Ferrarini, K Nelson, J Palme, O Sjöberg
Social Affairs and Inclusion, 2013
The institutional regime approach: A framework for the study of social protection in developing countries
O Sjöberg, K Nelson, I Esser, T Ferrarini
Stockholm, Institute for Future Studies, 2007
Cadre de comparaison de la protection sociale entre pays développés et en développement: les prestations pour enfants
I Esser, T Ferrarini, K Nelson, O Sjöberg
Revue internationale de sécurité sociale 62 (1), 99-126, 2009
Lone parents’ self-rated health in European comparative perspective: Socio-economic factors, job quality and social protection
I Esser
Fertility, Health and Lone Parenting, 180-207, 2017
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Articles 1–20