William F. James
William F. James
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The interaction between water movement, sediment dynamics and submersed macrophytes
JD Madsen, PA Chambers, WF James, EW Koch, DF Westlake
Hydrobiologia 444, 71-84, 2001
Effects of submerged aquatic macrophytes on nutrient dynamics, sedimentation, and resuspension
JW Barko, WF James
The structuring role of submerged macrophytes in lakes 131, 197-214, 1998
Macrophyte influences on the zonation of sediment accretion and composition in a north-temperate reservoir
WF James, JW Barko
Archiv für Hydrobiologie 120 (2), 129-142, 1990
Internal loading of phosphorus in western Lake Erie
G Matisoff, EM Kaltenberg, RL Steely, SK Hummel, J Seo, KJ Gibbons, ...
Journal of Great Lakes Research 42 (4), 775-788, 2016
Shear stress and sediment resuspension in relation to submersed macrophyte biomass
WF James, JW Barko, MG Butler
Hydrobiologia 515, 181-191, 2004
Sediment resuspension and light attenuation in Peoria Lake: can macrophytes improve water quality in this shallow system?
WF James, EP Best, JW Barko
Hydrobiologia 515, 193-201, 2004
Estimation of phosphorus exchange between littoral and pelagic zones during nighttime convective circulation
WF James, JW Barko
Limnology and Oceanography 36 (1), 179-187, 1991
Littoral‐pelagic phosphorus dynamics during nighttime convective circulation
WF James, JW Barko
Limnology and Oceanography 36 (5), 949-960, 1991
Macrophyte influences on sediment resuspension and export in a shallow impoundment
WF James, JW Barko
Lake and Reservoir Management 10 (2), 95-102 10.1080/07438149409354180, 1994
Nutrient regeneration by the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha)
WF James, JW Barko, HL Eakin
Journal of freshwater ecology 12 (2), 209-216, 1997
Phosphorus budget and management strategies for an urban Wisconsin lake
WF James, JW Barko, HL Eakin, PW Sorge
Lake and Reservoir Management 18 (2), 149-163, 2002
Diffusive fluxes and equilibrium processes in relation to phosphorus dynamics in the Upper Mississippi River
WF James, JW Barko
River Research and Applications 20 (4), 473-484, 2004
The effects of disturbance events on phytoplankton community structure in a small temperate reservoir.
RP Barbiero, WF James, JW Barko
Freshwater Biology 42 (3), 1999
Production and vertical migration of Ceratium hirundinella in relation to phosphorus availability in Eau Galle Reservoir, Wisconsin
WF James, WD Taylor, JW Barko
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49 (4), 694-700, 1992
Internal phosphorus loading in Lake Pepin, Upper Mississippi River
WF James, JW Barko, HL Eakin
Journal of Freshwater Ecology 10 (3), 269-276, 1995
Effects of alum treatment on phosphorus dynamics in a north-temperate reservoir
WF James, JW Barko, WD Taylor
Hydrobiologia 215, 231-241, 1991
Phosphorus mobilization from littoral sediments of an inlet region in Lake Delavan, Wisconsin
WF James, JW Barko, SJ Field
Archiv fur Hydrobiologie 138 (2), 245-257, 1996
Internal phosphorus loading contributions from deposited and resuspended sediment to the Lake of the Woods.
WF James
Lake and Reservoir Management 33, 347-359, 2017
Variations in the aluminum: phosphorus binding ratio and alum dosage considerations for Half Moon Lake, Wisconsin
WF James
Lake and Reservoir Management 27 (2), 128-137, 2011
Sediment resuspension, redeposition, and focusing in a small dimictic reservoir
WF James, JW Barko
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50 (5), 1023-1028, 1993
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Articles 1–20