John P. Wares
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Cited by
Evaluating signatures of glacial refugia for North Atlantic benthic marine taxa
CA Maggs, R Castilho, D Foltz, C Henzler, MT Jolly, J Kelly, J Olsen, ...
Ecology 89 (sp11), S108-S122, 2008
Phylogeography and historical ecology of the North Atlantic intertidal
JP Wares, CW Cunningham
Evolution 55 (12), 2455-2469, 2001
Strong genetic clines and geographical variation in gene flow in the rocky intertidal barnacle Balanus glandula
EE Sotka, JP Wares, JA Barth, RK Grosberg, SR Palumbi
Molecular ecology 13 (8), 2143-2156, 2004
Cryptic speciation in the cosmopolitan and clonal human pathogenic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus
A Pringle, DM Baker, JL Platt, JP Wares, JP Latge, JW Taylor
Evolution 59 (9), 1886-1899, 2005
Genetic Effective Size Is Three Orders of Magnitude Smaller Than Adult Census Size in an Abundant, Estuarine-Dependent Marine Fish (Sciaenops ocellatus)
TF Turner, JP Wares, JR Gold
Genetics 162 (3), 1329-1339, 2002
A comparative study of asymmetric migration events across a marine biogeographic boundary
JP Wares, SD Gaines, CW Cunningham
Evolution 55 (2), 295-306, 2001
Mechanisms that drive evolutionary change. Insights from species introduction and invasions
JP Wares
Species invasions: insights into ecology, evolution, and biogeography, 229-257, 2005
Effects of exotic species on evolutionary diversification
M Vellend, LJ Harmon, JL Lockwood, MM Mayfield, AR Hughes, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 22 (9), 481-488, 2007
Community genetics in the Northwestern Atlantic intertidal
JP Wares
Molecular ecology 11 (7), 1131-1144, 2002
Local selection and latitudinal variation in a marine predator-prey interaction
E Sanford, MS Roth, GC Johns, JP Wares, GN Somero
Science 300 (5622), 1135-1137, 2003
The Apicomplexan whole-genome phylogeny: an analysis of incongruence among gene trees
CH Kuo, JP Wares, JC Kissinger
Molecular biology and evolution 25 (12), 2689-2698, 2008
Patterns of speciation inferred from mitochondrial DNA in North American Chthamalus (Cirripedia: Balanomorpha: Chthamaloidea)
JP Wares
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 18 (1), 104-116, 2001
Going against the flow: maintenance of alongshore variation in allele frequency in a coastal ocean
JM Pringle, JP Wares
Marine Ecology Progress Series 335, 69-84, 2007
Biogeography of Asterias: North Atlantic Climate Change and Speciation
JP Wares
The Biological Bulletin 201 (1), 95-103, 2001
Color Polymorphism and Genetic Structure in the Sea Star Pisaster ochraceus
CDG Harley, MS Pankey, JP Wares, RK Grosberg, MJ Wonham
The Biological Bulletin 211 (3), 248-262, 2006
Global biogeography of marine dispersal potential
M Álvarez-Noriega, SC Burgess, JE Byers, JM Pringle, JP Wares, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 4 (9), 1196-1203, 2020
Geographic and genetic variation in feeding preference for chemically defended seaweeds
EE Sotka, JP Wares, ME Hay
Evolution 57 (10), 2262-2276, 2003
Refuting a controversial case of a human‐mediated marine species introduction
JP Wares, DS Goldwater, BY Kong, CW Cunningham
Ecology Letters 5 (4), 577-584, 2002
Restricted gene flow in Chilean barnacles reflects an oceanographic and biogeographic transition zone
C Zakas, J Binford, SA Navarrete, JP Wares
Marine Ecology Progress Series 394, 165-177, 2009
Natural distributions of mitochondrial sequence diversity support new null hypotheses
JP Wares
Evolution 64 (4), 1136-1142, 2010
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Articles 1–20