Edward A. Jolie
Edward A. Jolie
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Possible impacts of early-11th-, middle-12th-, and late-13th-century droughts on western Native Americans and the Mississippian Cahokians
LV Benson, MS Berry, EA Jolie, JD Spangler, DW Stahle, EM Hattori
Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (3-4), 336-350, 2007
Cordage, textiles, and the late Pleistocene peopling of the Andes
EA Jolie, TF Lynch, PR Geib, JM Adovasio
Current Anthropology 52 (2), 285-296, 2011
Isotope sourcing of prehistoric willow and tule textiles recovered from western Great Basin rock shelters and caves–proof of concept
LV Benson, EM Hattori, HE Taylor, SR Poulson, EA Jolie
Journal of archaeological science 33 (11), 1588-1599, 2006
The role of basketry in early Holocene small seed exploitation: Implications of a ca. 9,000 year-old basket from Cowboy Cave, Utah
PR Geib, EA Jolie
American antiquity 73 (1), 83-102, 2008
Contextual issues in Paleoindian repatriation: Spirit Cave Man as a case study
HJH Edgar, EA Jolie, JF Powell, JE Watkins
Journal of Social Archaeology 7 (1), 101-122, 2007
Sociocultural Diversity in the Prehispanic Southwest: Learning, Weaving, and Identity in the Chaco Regional System, AD 850-1140
EA Jolie
The University of New Mexico, 2018
Retrieving the perishable past: experimentation in fiber artifact studies
EA Jolie, ME McBrinn
Designing experimental research in archaeology: examining technology through …, 2010
Archaeological ethics in context and practice
D Fowler, E Jolie, M Salter
Handbook of Archaeological Theories, 409-22, 2008
A perishable perspective on Chacoan social identities
EA Jolie, LD Webster
Chaco revisited: new research on the prehistory of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico …, 2015
The technomechanics of plains Indian coiled gambling baskets
EA Jolie
Plains Anthropologist 51 (197), 17-49, 2006
In praise of collections research: Basketmaker roots of Chacoan ritual practices
LD Webster, LS Cordell, KA Hays-Gilpin, EA Jolie
Archaeology in the Great Basin and Southwest: papers in honor of Don D …, 2013
Perishable technologies
EA Jolie, LD Webster
Coiled Basketry from Charlie Brown Cave, Western Nevada
EA Jolie
University of Nevada, Reno, 2004
Computational Photography, 3-D Modeling, and Online Publication of Basketry for Cache Cave, California
E Kotoula, DW Robinson, D Gandy, EA Jolie
Advances in archaeological Practice 7 (4), 366-381, 2019
The rise of broad spectrum foraging on the Colorado Plateau during the early holocene
PR Geib, EA Jolie
The Archaic Southwest, 189-214, 2018
Technology, learning, and innovation in textile arts: Integrating archaeological and ethnographic perspectives
EA Jolie
North American Archaeologist 35 (4), 303-329, 2014
Hats, baskets and trays from Charlie Brown Cave
EA Jolie, RB Jolie
The Great Basin: People and Place in Ancient Times, School of American …, 2008
The Spread of Coiled Basketry in the Prehistoric Great Basin
EA Jolie, EM Hattori
70th Annual Meeting of Soci ety for American Archaeology, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2005
Basketry shields of the Prehispanic Southwest
EA Jolie
kiva 88 (4), 453-488, 2022
Perishable Artifacts from Bonneville Estates Rock shelter, Elko County, Nevada
EA Jolie, RB Burgett
28th Great Basin Anthropological Conference, Elko, Nevada, 2002
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