John E Parkinson
John E Parkinson
Assistant Professor, Integrative Biology, University of South Florida
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Systematic revision of Symbiodiniaceae highlights the antiquity and diversity of coral endosymbionts
TC LaJeunesse, JE Parkinson, PW Gabrielson, HJ Jeong, JD Reimer, ...
Current Biology, 2018
A genetics‐based description of Symbiodinium minutum sp. nov. and S. psygmophilum sp. nov. (Dinophyceae), two dinoflagellates symbiotic with cnidaria
TC Lajeunesse, JE Parkinson, JD Reimer
Journal of Phycology 48 (6), 1380-1391, 2012
Ecologically differentiated stress-tolerant endosymbionts in the dinoflagellate genus Symbiodinium (Dinophyceae) Clade D are different species
TC LaJeunesse, DC Wham, DT Pettay, JE Parkinson, S Keshavmurthy, ...
Phycologia 53 (4), 305-319, 2014
Considerations for maximizing the adaptive potential of restored coral populations in the western Atlantic
IB Baums, AC Baker, SW Davies, AG Grottoli, CD Kenkel, SA Kitchen, ...
Ecological Applications 29 (8), e01978, 2019
Extending the natural adaptive capacity of coral holobionts
CR Voolstra, DJ Suggett, RS Peixoto, JE Parkinson, KM Quigley, ...
Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 2 (11), 747-762, 2021
Gene Expression Variation Resolves Species and Individual Strains among Coral-Associated Dinoflagellates within the Genus Symbiodinium
JE Parkinson, S Baumgarten, CT Michell, IB Baums, TC LaJeunesse, ...
Genome Biology and Evolution 8 (3), 665-680, 2016
The extended phenotypes of marine symbioses: ecological and evolutionary consequences of intraspecific genetic diversity in coral–algal associations
JE Parkinson, IB Baums
Frontiers in microbiology 5, 445, 2014
Genotypic variation influences reproductive success and thermal stress tolerance in the reef building coral, Acropora palmata
IB Baums, MK Devlin-Durante, NR Polato, D Xu, S Giri, NS Altman, D Ruiz, ...
Coral Reefs 32, 703-717, 2013
Intraspecific diversity among partners drives functional variation in coral symbioses
JE Parkinson, AT Banaszak, NS Altman, TC LaJeunesse, IB Baums
Scientific reports 5 (1), 15667, 2015
New species of Clade B Symbiodinium (Dinophyceae) from the greater Caribbean belong to different functional guilds: S. aenigmaticum sp. nov., S. antillogorgium sp. nov., S …
JE Parkinson, MA Coffroth, TC LaJeunesse
Journal of Phycology 51 (5), 850-858, 2015
Molecular tools for coral reef restoration: Beyond biomarker discovery
JE Parkinson, AC Baker, IB Baums, SW Davies, AG Grottoli, SA Kitchen, ...
Conservation letters 13 (1), e12687, 2020
Census of heat tolerance among Florida's threatened staghorn corals finds resilient individuals throughout existing nursery populations
R Cunning, KE Parker, K Johnson-Sapp, RF Karp, AD Wen, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1961), 20211613, 2021
Host and symbiont cell cycle coordination is mediated by symbiotic state, nutrition, and partner identity in a model cnidarian-dinoflagellate symbiosis
TR Tivey, JE Parkinson, VM Weis
MBio 11 (2), 10.1128/mbio. 02626-19, 2020
Extensive transcriptional variation poses a challenge to thermal stress biomarker development for endangered corals
JE Parkinson, E Bartels, MK Devlin‐Durante, C Lustic, K Nedimyer, ...
Molecular Ecology 27 (5), 1103-1119, 2018
Inter-partner specificity limits the acquisition of thermotolerant symbionts in a model cnidarian-dinoflagellate symbiosis
Y Gabay, JE Parkinson, SP Wilkinson, VM Weis, SK Davy
The ISME Journal 13 (10), 2489-2499, 2019
Subtle differences in symbiont cell surface glycan profiles do not explain species-specific colonization rates in a model cnidarian-algal symbiosis
JE Parkinson, TR Tivey, PE Mandelare, DA Adpressa, S Loesgen, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 9, 842, 2018
Building consensus around the assessment and interpretation of Symbiodiniaceae diversity
SW Davies, MH Gamache, LI Howe-Kerr, NG Kriefall, AC Baker, ...
PeerJ 11, e15023, 2023
Latitudinal variation in the symbiotic dinoflagellate Symbiodinium of the common reef zoantharian Palythoa tuberculosa on the Saudi Arabian coast of the Red Sea
JD Reimer, M Herrera, R Gatins, MB Roberts, JE Parkinson, ML Berumen
Journal of Biogeography 44 (3), 661-673, 2017
Evidence for coral range expansion accompanied by reduced diversity of Symbiodinium genotypes
CGB Grupstra, R Coma, M Ribes, KP Leydet, JE Parkinson, K McDonald, ...
Coral Reefs 36, 981-985, 2017
Assessing techniques to enhance early post-settlement survival of corals in situ for reef restoration
WT Cooper, D Lirman, MP VanGroningen, JE Parkinson, J Herlan, ...
Bulletin of Marine Science 90 (2), 651-664, 2014
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Articles 1–20