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fırat aydın
Fen Fakültesi Kimya Profesörü, Dicle Üniversitesi.
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Cited by
Removal of Cadmium and Lead from Aqueous Solution by Calcite.
Ö Yavuz, R Guzel, F Aydin, I Tegin, R Ziyadanogullari
Polish journal of environmental studies 16 (3), 2007
Effects of dietary boron on cervical cytopathology and on micronucleus frequency in exfoliated buccal cells
M Korkmaz, E Uzgören, S Bakırdere, F Aydın, OY Ataman
Environmental Toxicology: An International Journal 22 (1), 17-25, 2007
Hazardous metal geochemistry of sedimentary phosphate rock used for fertilizer (Mazıdag, SE Anatolia, Turkey)
I Aydin, F Aydin, A Saydut, EG Bakirdere, C Hamamci
Microchemical Journal 96 (2), 247-251, 2010
Process optimization for production of biodiesel from hazelnut oil, sunflower oil and their hybrid feedstock
A Saydut, S Erdogan, AB Kafadar, C Kaya, F Aydin, C Hamamci
Fuel 183, 512-517, 2016
Aflatoxin species: their health effects and determination methods in different foodstuffs
S Bakırdere, S Bora, EG Bakırdere, F Aydın, Y Arslan, OT Komesli, I Aydın, ...
Central European journal of chemistry 10, 675-685, 2012
A sequential extraction to determine the distribution of phosphorus in the seawater and marine surface sediment
I Aydin, F Aydin, A Saydut, C Hamamci
Journal of hazardous materials 168 (2-3), 664-669, 2009
Determination of mineral phosphate species in sedimentary phosphate rock in Mardin, SE Anatolia, Turkey by sequential extraction
I Aydin, S Imamoglu, F Aydin, A Saydut, C Hamamci
Microchemical Journal 91 (1), 63-69, 2009
Study of phosphorus distribution in coastal surface sediment by sequential extraction procedure (NE Mediterranean Sea, Antalya-Turkey)
B Gunduz, F Aydın, I Aydın, C Hamamci
Microchemical Journal 98 (1), 72-76, 2011
From mg/kg to pg/kg levels: a story of trace element determination: a review
S Bakirdere, F Aydin, EG Bakirdere, S Titretir, İ Akdeniz, I Aydin, E Yildirim, ...
Applied Spectroscopy Reviews 46 (1), 38-66, 2011
Comparison of the biodiesel quality produced from refined sunflower (Helianthus annuus L) oil and waste cooking oil
A Saydut, AB Kafadar, Y Tonbul, C Kaya, F Aydin, C Hamamci
Energy exploration & exploitation 28 (6), 499-512, 2010
Cold vapour generation and on-line trapping of cadmium species on quartz surface prior to detection by atomic absorption spectrometry
D Korkmaz, C Demir, F Aydın, OY Ataman
Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 20 (1), 46-52, 2005
Elemental composition of red wines in Southeast Turkey
D Karataş, I Aydin, H Karataş
Czech Journal of Food Sciences 33 (3), 228-236, 2015
Sensitive determination of bismuth by flame atomic absorption spectrometry using atom trapping in a slotted quartz tube and revolatilization with organic solvent pulse
E Kılınç, S Bakırdere, F Aydın, OY Ataman
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 73, 84-88, 2012
Determination of trace elements in illicit spice samples by using ICP-MS
T Bora, Ç Aksoy, Z Tunay, F Aydın
Microchemical Journal 123, 179-184, 2015
Synthesis, spectroscopic and thermodynamic studies of new transition metal complexes with N, N′-bis (2-hydroxynaphthalin-1-carbaldehydene)-1, 2-bis (m-aminophenoxy) ethane and …
H Temel, B Ziyadanoğullari, I Aydin, F Aydin
Journal of Coordination Chemistry 58 (14), 1177-1185, 2005
A new application for flotation of oxidized copper ore
R Ziyadanogullari, F Aydin
Journal of minerals and materials characterization and engineering 4 (2), 67-73, 2005
Effect of homogeneous alkaline catalyst type on biodiesel production from soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] oil
A Saydut, AB Kafadar, F Aydin, S Erdogan, C Kaya, C Hamamci
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2016
Heavy metals, trace and major elements in 16 wild mushroom species determined by ICP-MS
G Tel-Cayan, Z Ullah, M Ozturk, M Yabanli, F Aydin, ME Duru
A new method to reduce false positives due to antimony in detection of gunshot residues
Ç Aksoy, T Bora, N Şenocak, F Aydın
Forensic Science International 250, 87-90, 2015
Determination of indium using vortex assisted solid phase microextraction based on oleic acid coated magnetic nanoparticles combined with slotted quartz tube-flame atomic …
B Çelik, E Akkaya, S Bakirdere, F Aydin
Microchemical Journal 141, 7-11, 2018
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Articles 1–20