Cassandra Pardee
Cassandra Pardee
Poseidon Fisheries Research
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Cited by
Comparative demography of commercially-harvested snappers and an emperor from American Samoa
BM Taylor, ZS Oyafuso, CB Pardee, D Ochavillo, SJ Newman
PeerJ 6, e5069, 2018
International workshop on advancing methods to overcome challenges associated with life history and stock assessments of data-poor deep-water snappers and groupers
SJ Newman, CB Wakefield, AJ Williams, JM O’Malley, BM Taylor, SJ Nicol, ...
Marine Policy 79, 78-83, 2017
Growth and maturation of the redlip parrotfish Scarus rubroviolaceus
BM Taylor, C Pardee
Journal of Fish Biology 90 (6), 2452-2461, 2017
Age, growth and maturity for two highly targeted jack species: Caranx ignobilis and Caranx melampygus
C Pardee, J Wiley, S Springer
Journal of Fish Biology 99 (4), 1247-1255, 2021
Growth and maturation of three commercially important coral reef species from American Samoa
C Pardee, BM Taylor, S Felise, D Ochavillo, J Cuetos-Bueno
Fisheries science 86 (6), 985-993, 2020
Comparative demography of four large-bodied surgeonfish
C Pardee, J Wiley, E Schemmel, T Fendrick, J Giglio
Environmental Biology of Fishes 105 (2), 231-245, 2022
Comparative demography of commercially-harvested snappers and an emperor from American Samoa. PeerJ 6: e5069
BM Taylor, ZS Oyafuso, CB Pardee, D Ochavillo, SJ Newman
Unaccounted mortality and overview of the Hawaiian Kona crab Ranina ranina (Linnaeus) fishery
J Wiley, C Pardee, G Lentes, E Forbes
Fisheries Research 226, 105517, 2020
Life history of the humpnose big‐eye bream Monotaxis grandoculis
C Pardee, J Wiley
Journal of Fish Biology 100 (6), 1541-1547, 2022
A widespread, consistent, and perplexing biphasic pattern in log catch‐at‐age data from a widely harvested family of tropical reef fishes
BM Taylor, J Prince, S Mutz, C Pardee, J Wiley, DR Robertson, JH Choat
Fish and Fisheries, 2024
Working with community fishers to determine the spawning seasonality of two commonly targeted jack species
C Pardee, J Wiley, T Fendrick
Marine and Coastal Fisheries 15 (5), e10264, 2023
Life history of the endemic Hawaiian hogfish Bodianus albotaeniatus: age, growth and reproduction
J Wiley, C Pardee
Journal of Fish Biology 103 (2), 443-447, 2023
PSA for CNMI Inshore Fishery Species
C Pardee
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Articles 1–13