Matthias Barz
Matthias Barz
Full Professor for Biotherapeutic Delivery, Leiden Academic Center for Drug Research (LACDR), Leiden
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Cited by
Core-crosslinked polymeric micelles: Principles, preparation, biomedical applications and clinical translation
M Talelli, M Barz, CJF Rijcken, F Kiessling, WE Hennink, T Lammers
Nano today 10 (1), 93-117, 2015
Overcoming the PEG-addiction: well-defined alternatives to PEG, from structure–property relationships to better defined therapeutics
M Barz, R Luxenhofer, R Zentel, MJ Vicent
Polymer Chemistry 2 (9), 1900-1918, 2011
Polysarcosine-containing copolymers: Synthesis, characterization, self-assembly, and applications
A Birke, J Ling, M Barz
Progress in Polymer Science 81, 163-208, 2018
Ligand density on nanoparticles: A parameter with critical impact on nanomedicine
AM Alkilany, L Zhu, H Weller, A Mews, WJ Parak, M Barz, N Feliu
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 143, 22-36, 2019
Polysarcosine-functionalized lipid nanoparticles for therapeutic mRNA delivery
SS Nogueira, A Schlegel, K Maxeiner, B Weber, M Barz, MA Schroer, ...
ACS Applied Nano Materials 3 (11), 10634-10645, 2020
Polymeric nanoparticles with neglectable protein corona
I Alberg, S Kramer, M Schinnerer, Q Hu, C Seidl, C Leps, N Drude, ...
Small 16 (18), 1907574, 2020
Polypeptoid-block-polypeptide Copolymers: Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Amphiphilic Block Copolypept(o)ides in Drug Formulations and …
A Birke, D Huesmann, A Kelsch, M Weilbächer, J Xie, M Bros, T Bopp, ...
Biomacromolecules 15 (2), 548-557, 2014
Nanomedicine and macroscale materials in immuno-oncology
Q Sun, M Barz, BG De Geest, M Diken, WE Hennink, F Kiessling, ...
Chemical Society Reviews 48 (1), 351-381, 2019
A controlled and versatile NCA polymerization method for the synthesis of polypeptides
I Conejos-Sánchez, A Duro-Castano, A Birke, M Barz, MJ Vicent
Polymer Chemistry 4 (11), 3182-3186, 2013
From defined reactive diblock copolymers to functional HPMA-based self-assembled nanoaggregates
M Barz, M Tarantola, K Fischer, M Schmidt, R Luxenhofer, A Janshoff, ...
Biomacromolecules 9 (11), 3114-3118, 2008
Radioactive Labeling of Defined HPMA-Based Polymeric Structures Using [18F]FETos for In Vivo Imaging by Positron Emission Tomography
MM Herth, M Barz, D Moderegger, M Allmeroth, M Jahn, O Thews, ...
Biomacromolecules 10 (7), 1697-1703, 2009
Influence of binding-site density in wet bioadhesion
J Wang, M Tahir, M Kappl, W Tremel, N Metz, M Barz, P Theato, HJ Butt
Advanced Materials 20 (20), 3872-3876, 2008
Polypept (o) ides: Hybrid systems based on polypeptides and polypeptoids
K Klinker, M Barz
Macromolecular rapid communications 36 (22), 1943-1957, 2015
Enhanced permeability and retention-like extravasation of nanoparticles from the vasculature into tuberculosis granulomas in zebrafish and mouse models
F Fenaroli, U Repnik, Y Xu, K Johann, S Van Herck, P Dey, FM Skjeldal, ...
ACS nano 12 (8), 8646-8661, 2018
The uptake of N-(2-hydroxypropyl)-methacrylamide based homo, random and block copolymers by human multi-drug resistant breast adenocarcinoma cells
M Barz, R Luxenhofer, R Zentel, AV Kabanov
Biomaterials 30 (29), 5682-5690, 2009
Cylindrical brush polymers with polysarcosine side chains: a novel biocompatible carrier for biomedical applications
C Hörtz, A Birke, L Kaps, S Decker, E Wächtersbach, K Fischer, ...
Macromolecules 48 (7), 2074-2086, 2015
Revisiting secondary structures in NCA polymerization: influences on the analysis of protected polylysines
D Huesmann, A Birke, K Klinker, S Türk, HJ Räder, M Barz
Macromolecules 47 (3), 928-936, 2014
Coordinative binding of polymers to metal–organic framework nanoparticles for control of interactions at the biointerface
A Zimpel, N Al Danaf, B Steinborn, J Kuhn, M Höhn, T Bauer, P Hirschle, ...
ACS nano 13 (4), 3884-3895, 2019
Introducing PeptoPlexes: Polylysine‐block‐Polysarcosine Based Polyplexes for Transfection of HEK 293T Cells
P Heller, A Birke, D Huesmann, B Weber, K Fischer, A Reske‐Kunz, ...
Macromolecular bioscience 14 (10), 1380-1395, 2014
Solution properties of polysarcosine: from absolute and relative molar mass determinations to complement activation
B Weber, A Birke, K Fischer, M Schmidt, M Barz
Macromolecules 51 (7), 2653-2661, 2018
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Articles 1–20