Tapio Eeva
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Cited by
Large–scale geographical variation confirms that climate change causes birds to lay earlier
C Both, AV Artemyev, B Blaauw, RJ Cowie, AJ Dekhuijzen, T Eeva, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004
Adaptive responses of animals to climate change are most likely insufficient
V Radchuk, T Reed, C Teplitsky, M van de Pol, A Charmantier, C Hassall, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 3109, 2019
The design of artificial nestboxes for the study of secondary hole-nesting birds: a review of methodological inconsistencies and potential biases
MM Lambrechts, F Adriaensen, DR Ardia, AV Artemyev, F Atiénzar, ...
Acta Ornithologica 45 (1), 1-26, 2010
Variation in climate warming along the migration route uncouples arrival and breeding dates
M Ahola, T Laaksonen, K Sippola, T Eeva, K Rainio, E Lehikoinen
Global Change Biology 10 (9), 1610-1617, 2004
Metal-related oxidative stress in birds
MJ Koivula, T Eeva
Environmental pollution 158 (7), 2359-2370, 2010
Growth and mortality of nestling great tits (Parus major) and pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) in a heavy metal pollution gradient
T Eeva, E Lehikoinen
Oecologia 108, 631-639, 1996
Egg shell quality, clutch size and hatching success of the great tit (Parus major) and the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) in an air pollution gradient
T Eeva, E Lehikoinen
Oecologia 102, 312-323, 1995
Air pollution fades the plumage of the great tit
T Eeva, E Lehikoinen, M Rönkä
Functional Ecology 12 (4), 607-612, 1998
Climate change can alter competitive relationships between resident and migratory birds
MP Ahola, T Laaksonen, T Eeva, E Lehikoinen
Journal of Animal Ecology, 1045-1052, 2007
Climate change, breeding date and nestling diet: how temperature differentially affects seasonal changes in pied flycatcher diet depending on habitat variation
C Burger, E Belskii, T Eeva, T Laaksonen, M Mägi, R Mänd, A Qvarnström, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 81 (4), 926-936, 2012
Biomarkers and fluctuating asymmetry as indicators of pollution‐induced stress in two hole‐nesting passerines
T Eeva, S Tanhuanpää, C Råbergh, S Airaksinen, M Nikinmaa, ...
Functional ecology 14 (2), 235-243, 2000
Pollution-related changes in diets of two insectivorous passerines
T Eeva, M Ryömä, J Riihimäki
Oecologia 145, 629-639, 2005
Heavy metal pollution disturbs immune response in wild ant populations
J Sorvari, LM Rantala, MJ Rantala, H Hakkarainen, T Eeva
Environmental Pollution 145 (1), 324-328, 2007
Species-and age-related variation in metal exposure and accumulation of two passerine bird species
ÅMM Berglund, MJ Koivula, T Eeva
Environmental pollution 159 (10), 2368-2374, 2011
A review on exposure and effects of arsenic in passerine birds
P Sánchez-Virosta, S Espín, AJ García-Fernández, T Eeva
Science of the Total Environment 512, 506-525, 2015
Pollution‐related variation in food supply and breeding success in two hole‐nesting passerines
T Eeva, E Lehikoinen, T Pohjalainen
Ecology 78 (4), 1120-1131, 1997
Effects of heavy metal pollution on red wood ant (Formica s. str.) populations
T Eeva, J Sorvari, V Koivunen
Environmental pollution 132 (3), 533-539, 2004
Effects of ectoparasites on breeding success of great tits (Parus major) and pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) in an air pollution gradient
T Eeva, E Lehikoinen, J Nurmi
Canadian Journal of Zoology 72 (4), 624-635, 1994
Breeding performance of blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) and great tits (Parus major) in a heavy metal polluted area
T Eeva, M Ahola, E Lehikoinen
Environmental Pollution 157 (11), 3126-3131, 2009
Metal pollution indirectly increases oxidative stress in great tit (Parus major) nestlings
MJ Koivula, M Kanerva, JP Salminen, M Nikinmaa, T Eeva
Environmental research 111 (3), 362-370, 2011
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Articles 1–20