Claire H. Quinn
Claire H. Quinn
Professor in Natural Resource Management, University of Leeds
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Who's in and why? A typology of stakeholder analysis methods for natural resource management
MS Reed, A Graves, N Dandy, H Posthumus, K Hubacek, J Morris, C Prell, ...
Journal of environmental management 90 (5), 1933-1949, 2009
The role of institutions in the transformation of coping capacity to sustainable adaptive capacity
R Berman, C Quinn, J Paavola
Environmental Development 2, 86-100, 2012
Participatory scenario development for environmental management: A methodological framework illustrated with experience from the UK uplands
MS Reed, J Kenter, A Bonn, K Broad, TP Burt, IR Fazey, EDG Fraser, ...
Journal of environmental management 128, 345-362, 2013
Is rainfall really changing? Farmers’ perceptions, meteorological data, and policy implications
E Simelton, CH Quinn, N Batisani, AJ Dougill, JC Dyer, EDG Fraser, ...
Climate and development 5 (2), 123-138, 2013
Assessing vulnerability to climate change in dryland livelihood systems: conceptual challenges and interdisciplinary solutions
EDG Fraser, AJ Dougill, K Hubacek, CH Quinn, J Sendzimir, ...
Ecology and Society 16 (3), 2011
Design principles and common pool resource management: An institutional approach to evaluating community management in semi-arid Tanzania
CH Quinn, M Huby, H Kiwasila, JC Lovett
Journal of environmental management 84 (1), 100-113, 2007
If you have a hammer everything looks like a nail: traditional versus participatory model building
C Prell, K Hubacek, M Reed, C Quinn, N Jin, J Holden, T Burt, M Kirby, ...
Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 32 (3), 263-282, 2007
Local perceptions of risk to livelihood in semi-arid Tanzania
CH Quinn, M Huby, H Kiwasila, JC Lovett
Journal of Environmental Management 68 (2), 111-119, 2003
‘Who’s in the network?’When stakeholders influence data analysis
C Prell, K Hubacek, C Quinn, M Reed
Systemic Practice and Action Research 21, 443-458, 2008
Floristic composition, species diversity and carbon storage in charcoal and agriculture fallows and management implications in Miombo woodlands of Zambia
FK Kalaba, CH Quinn, AJ Dougill, R Vinya
Forest Ecology and Management 304, 99-109, 2013
Identifying drivers of household coping strategies to multiple climatic hazards in Western Uganda: implications for adapting to future climate change
RJ Berman, CH Quinn, J Paavola
Climate and development 7 (1), 71-84, 2015
Contribution of forest provisioning ecosystem services to rural livelihoods in the Miombo woodlands of Zambia
FK Kalaba, CH Quinn, AJ Dougill
Population and Environment 35, 159-182, 2013
Coping with multiple stresses in rural South Africa
CH Quinn, G Ziervogel, A Taylor, T Takama, F Thomalla
Ecology and Society 16 (3), 2, 2011
The future of the uplands
MS Reed, A Bonn, W Slee, N Beharry-Borg, J Birch, I Brown, TP Burt, ...
Land use policy 26, S204-S216, 2009
Anticipating and managing future trade-offs and complementarities between ecosystem services
MS Reed, K Hubacek, A Bonn, TP Burt, J Holden, LC Stringer, ...
Ecology and Society 18 (1), 2013
Perceived stressors of climate vulnerability across scales in the Savannah zone of Ghana: a participatory approach
P Antwi-Agyei, CH Quinn, SGK Adiku, SNA Codjoe, AJ Dougill, R Lamboll, ...
Regional Environmental Change 17, 213-227, 2017
The role of forest provisioning ecosystem services in coping with household stresses and shocks in Miombo woodlands, Zambia
FK Kalaba, CH Quinn, AJ Dougill
Ecosystem Services 5, 143-148, 2013
Visitor perceptions of rural landscapes: A case study in the Peak District National Park, England
N Suckall, EDG Fraser, T Cooper, C Quinn
Journal of environmental management 90 (2), 1195-1203, 2009
Knowledge management for land degradation monitoring and assessment: an analysis of contemporary thinking
MS Reed, I Fazey, LC Stringer, CM Raymond, M Akhtar‐Schuster, ...
Land Degradation & Development 24 (4), 307-322, 2013
Evidence and perceptions of rainfall change in Malawi: Do maize cultivar choices enhance climate change adaptation in sub-Saharan Africa?
C Sutcliffe, AJ Dougill, CH Quinn
Regional Environmental Change 16, 1215-1224, 2016
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Articles 1–20