Andrew Goldklank Fulmer
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Cited by
Multimodal alarm behavior in urban and rural gray squirrels studied by means of observation and a mechanical robot
SR Partan, AG Fulmer, MAM Gounard, JE Redmond
Current Zoology 56 (3), 313-326, 2010
Social plasticity in non-territorial male African cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni
AG Fulmer, H Neumeister, T Preuss
Journal of Ethology 35, 109-119, 2017
Duration of courtship displays corresponds to social status in male greater sac-winged bats (Saccopteryx bilineata)
M Knörnschild, AG Fulmer, O von Helversen
Canadian journal of zoology 88 (6), 589-594, 2010
A siblicidal origin for avian brood parasitism?
AG Fulmer, ME Hauber
Journal of Ornithology 157, 219-227, 2016
Intracolonial social distance, signaling modality and association choice in the greater sac-winged bat (Saccopteryx bilineata)
AG Fulmer, M Knörnschild
Journal of ethology 30, 117-124, 2012
Autopreening behaviour may convey information about internal social state in Arabian babbler (Turdoides squamiceps) allopreening dyads
AG Fulmer, ME Hauber
Behaviour 158 (5), 427-446, 2021
A review of the cues used for rejecting foreign eggs from the nest by the Eurasian blackbird (Turdus merula)
AG Fulmer, ME Hauber
Ecology and Evolution 12 (5), e8886, 2022
Intrabrood rank, age and adult presence predict novelty seeking in individual Arabian babblers, Turdoides squamiceps
AG Fulmer, P Santema, ME Hauber
Animal Behaviour 114, 93-99, 2016
Biogeographic history, egg colouration, and habitat selection in Turdus thrushes (Aves: Turdidae)
J Nagy, AG Fulmer, V Löki, F Ruiz-Raya, ME Hauber
Biologia Futura 74 (4), 467-474, 2023
Coloniality and development impact intraclutch consistency of avian eggs: a comparative analysis of the individual repeatability of eggshell size and shape metrics
A Schmitz Ornés, RL Ducay, AG Fulmer, ME Hauber
The Science of Nature 110 (2), 12, 2023
The circle game: intergenerational transmission and modification of solutions to a universal need
AG Fulmer
Exploring Animal Behavior in Laboratory and Field, 241-249, 2021
Varied effort in rescue by colony mates of experimentally trapped naked mole-rats
AG Fulmer, T Dzedzits
The Role of Individual Cognitive and Behavioral Ontogeny in Organization and …, 2016
Is autopreening a social signaling behavior in Arabian Babbler (Turdoides squamiceps) preening dyads?
AG Fulmer, ME Hauber
The Role of Individual Cognitive and Behavioral Ontogeny in Organization and …, 2016
Liegt im Kainismus der Ursprung von Brutparasitismus bei Vögeln?
AG Fulmer, ME Hauber
Journal of Ornithology 157 (1), 219-227, 2016
The role of individual cognitive and behavioral ontogeny in organization and evolution of social systems
AG Fulmer
City University of New York, 2016
Open Library of Bioscience
AS Ornés, RL Ducay, AG Fulmer, ME Hauber
Evolutionary Ghosts and Frankenstein Ecosystems: Evaluating Rewilding Programs
AG Fulmer, E Naro-Maciel
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Articles 1–17