James G. Quinn
James G. Quinn
Emeritas Professor of Oceanography, Univ. of rhode island
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Urban runoff as a source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to coastal waters
EJ Hoffman, GL Mills, JS Latimer, JG Quinn
Environmental science & technology 18 (8), 580-587, 1984
Enrichment of heavy metals and organic compounds in the surface microlayer of Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
RA Duce, JG Quinn, CE Olney, SR Piotrowicz, BJ Ray, TL Wade
Science 176 (4031), 161-163, 1972
Solubilization of hydrocarbons by the dissolved organic matter in sea water
PD Boehm, JG Quinn
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 37 (11), 2459-2477, 1973
Petroleum hydrocarbons in Narragansett Bay: I. Survey of hydrocarbons in sediments and clams (Mercenaria mercenaria)
JW Farrington, JG Quinn
Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science 1 (1), 71-79, 1973
Uptake and depuration of organic contaminants by blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) exposed to environmentally contaminated sediment
RJ Pruell, JL Lake, WR Davis, JG Quinn
Marine Biology 91, 497-507, 1986
Environmental chemistry of benzothiazoles derived from rubber
CM Reddy, JG Quinn
Environmental science & technology 31 (10), 2847-2853, 1997
A critical evaluation of interlaboratory data on total, elemental, and isotopic carbon in the carbonaceous particle reference material, NIST SRM 1649a
LA Currie, BA Benner Jr, JD Kessler, DB Klinedinst, GA Klouda, JV Marolf, ...
Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology …, 2002
Stormwater runoff from highways
EJ Hoffman, JS Latimer, CD Hunt, GL Mills, JG Quinn
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 25, 349-364, 1985
Isolation of dissolved organic matter and copper-organic complexes from estuarine waters using reverse-phase liquid chromatography
GL Mills, JG Quinn
Marine Chemistry 10 (2), 93-102, 1981
Sources of petroleum hydrocarbons in urban runoff
JS Latimer, EJ Hoffman, G Hoffman, JL Fasching, JG Quinn
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 52, 1-21, 1990
GC-MS analysis of total petroleum hydrocarbons and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in seawater samples after the North Cape oil spill
CM Reddy, JG Quinn
Marine pollution bulletin 38 (2), 126-135, 1999
An effect of dissolved nutrient concentrations on alkenone‐based temperature estimates
BL Epstein, S D'Hondt, JG Quinn, J Zhang, PE Hargraves
Paleoceanography 13 (2), 122-126, 1998
Chemical studies of copper-organic complexes isolated from estuarine waters using C18 reverse-phase liquid chromatography
GL Mills, AK Hanson Jr, JG Quinn, WR Lammela, ND Chasteen
Marine Chemistry 11 (4), 355-377, 1982
Partitioning of No. 2 fuel oil in controlled estuarine ecosystems. Sediments and suspended particulate matter
PJ Gearing, JN Gearing, RJ Pruell, TL Wade, JG Quinn
Environmental Science & Technology 14 (9), 1129-1136, 1980
The distribution and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Narragansett Bay surface sediments
PC Hartmann, JG Quinn, RW Cairns, JW King
Marine Pollution Bulletin 48 (3-4), 351-358, 2004
Historical trends and current inputs of hydrophobic organic compounds in an urban estuary: the sedimentary record
JS Latimer, JG Quinn
Environmental science & technology 30 (2), 623-633, 1996
Input and fate of petroleum hydrocarbons entering the Providence River and upper Narragansett Bay from wastewater effluents
ES Van Vleet, JG Quinn
Environmental Science & Technology 11 (12), 1086-1092, 1977
Early diagenesis of fatty acids and isoprenoid alcohols in estuarine and coastal sediments
ES Van Vleet, JG Quinn
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 43 (3), 289-303, 1979
The persistence of chronically accumulated hydrocarbons in the hard shell clam Mercenaria mercenaria
PD Boehm, JG Quinn
Marine Biology 44, 227-233, 1977
Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Urban Runoff from a Commerical Land Use Area
EJ Hoffman, JS Latimer, GL Mills, JG Quinn
Journal (Water Pollution Control Federation), 1517-1525, 1982
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