Relationships between bacteria and heterotrophic nanoplankton in marine and fresh waters: an inter-ecosystem comparison RW Sanders, DA Caron, UG Berninger Marine ecology progress series, 1-14, 1992 | 604 | 1992 |
Biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning: emerging issues and their experimental test in aquatic environments P S. Giller, H Hillebrand, UG Berninger, M O. Gessner, S Hawkins, ... Oikos 104 (3), 423-436, 2004 | 453 | 2004 |
Protozoan control of bacterial abundances in freshwater UG Berninger, BJ Finlay, P Kuuppo‐Leinikki Limnology and oceanography 36 (1), 139-147, 1991 | 347 | 1991 |
On the abundance and distribution of protozoa and their food in a productive freshwater pond BJ Finlay, KJ Clarke, AJ Cowling, RM Hindle, A Rogerson, UG Berninger European Journal of Protistology 23 (3), 205-217, 1988 | 207 | 1988 |
Differences in species richness patterns between unicellular and multicellular organisms H Hillebrand, F Watermann, R Karez, UG Berninger Oecologia 126, 114-124, 2001 | 206 | 2001 |
Control of microbenthic communities by grazing and nutrient supply H Hillebrand, M Kahlert, AL Haglund, UG Berninger, S Nagel, S Wickham Ecology 83 (8), 2205-2219, 2002 | 172 | 2002 |
Heterotrophic and mixotrophic nanoplankton predation on picoplankton in the Sargasso Sea and on Georges Bank RW Sanders, UG Berninger, EL Lim, PF Kemp, DA Caron Marine Ecology Progress Series 192, 103-118, 2000 | 160 | 2000 |
Responses of bacterioplankton and phytoplankton to organic carbon and inorganic nutrient additions in contrasting oceanic ecosystems DA Caron, EL Lim, RW Sanders, MR Dennett, UG Berninger Aquatic Microbial Ecology 22 (2), 175-184, 2000 | 153 | 2000 |
The biogeochemistry, stable isotope geochemistry, and microbial community structure of a temperate intertidal mudflat: an integrated study ME Böttcher, B Hespenheide, E Llobet-Brossa, C Beardsley, O Larsen, ... Continental Shelf Research 20 (12-13), 1749-1769, 2000 | 150 | 2000 |
Heterotrophic flagellates of planktonic communities, their characteristics and methods of study UG Berninger, DA Caron, RW Sanders, BJ Finlay Patterson, DJ and Larsen, J.(eds.) The Biology of Free-Living Heterotrophic …, 1991 | 93 | 1991 |
Grazing during early spring in the Gulf of Aqaba and the northern Red Sea U Sommer, UG Berninger, R Böttger-Schnack, A Cornils, W Hagen, ... Marine Ecology Progress Series 239, 251-261, 2002 | 90 | 2002 |
The Spatial Distribution and Ecology of Zoochlorellae‐Bearing Ciliates in a Productive Pond1 UG Berninger, BJ Finlay, HM Canter The Journal of protozoology 33 (4), 557-563, 1986 | 89 | 1986 |
Trophic coupling within the microbial food web: a study with fine temporal resolution in a eutrophic freshwater ecosystem UG BERNINGER, SA Wickham, BJ Finlay Freshwater Biology 30 (3), 419-432, 1993 | 81 | 1993 |
Mixotrophic algae in three ice‐covered lakes of the Pocono Mountains, USA UG BERNINGER, DA Caron, RW Sanders Freshwater Biology 28 (2), 263-272, 1992 | 81 | 1992 |
Abundance, vertical distribution, and community structure of benthic prokaryotes from permanently cold marine sediments (Svalbard, Arctic Ocean) K Sahm, UG Berninger Marine Ecology Progress Series 165, 71-80, 1998 | 75 | 1998 |
Vertical distribution of benthic ciliates in response to the oxygen concentration in an intertidal North Sea sediment UG Berninger, SS Epstein Aquatic Microbial Ecology 9 (3), 229-236, 1995 | 71 | 1995 |
Benthic ciliate identification and enumeration: an improved methodology and its application S Wickham, A Gieseke, UG Berninger Aquatic Microbial Ecology 22 (1), 79-91, 2000 | 68 | 2000 |
Distributions and biomass of benthic ciliates, foraminifera and amoeboid protists in marine, brackish, and freshwater sediments YL Lei, K Stumm, SA Wickham, UG Berninger Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 61 (5), 493-508, 2014 | 54 | 2014 |
Sequestered chloroplasts in the freshwater ciliate Strombidium viride (Ciliophora: Oligotrichida) A Rogerson, BJ Finlay, UG Berninger Transactions of the American Microscopical Society, 117-126, 1989 | 52 | 1989 |
Response of the microbial food web to manipulation of nutrients and grazers in the oligotrophic Gulf of Aqaba and northern Red Sea UG Berninger, SA Wickham Marine Biology 147, 1017-1032, 2005 | 49 | 2005 |