Juan Antonio Calleja Alarcón (JA Calleja)(Juancho)
Juan Antonio Calleja Alarcón (JA Calleja)(Juancho)
Associate professor UAM
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Cited by
La vegetación de ribera de la mitad norte española
F Lara, R Garilleti, JA Calleja
Centro de Estudios de Técnicas Aplicadas del CEDEX, 2004
Nuclear and plastid DNA phylogeny of tribe Cardueae (Compositae) with Hyb-Seq data: A new subtribal classification and a temporal diversification framework
S Herrando-Moraira, JA Calleja, M Galbany-Casals, N Garcia-Jacas, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 137, 313-332, 2019
Polyploidy and microsatellite variation in the relict tree Prunus lusitanica L.: how effective are refugia in preserving genotypic diversity of clonal taxa?
C García‐Verdugo, JA Calleja, P Vargas, L Silva, O Moreira, F Pulido
Molecular ecology 22 (6), 1546-1557, 2013
A Quaternary perspective on the conservation prospects of the Tertiary relict tree Prunus lusitanica L.
JA Calleja, M Benito Garzón, H Sainz Ollero
Journal of biogeography 36 (3), 487-498, 2009
Tertiary relict trees in a Mediterranean climate: abiotic constraints on the persistence of Prunus lusitanica at the eroding edge of its range
F Pulido, F Valladares, JA Calleja, G Moreno, G González‐Bornay
Journal of Biogeography 35 (8), 1425-1435, 2008
Exploring data processing strategies in NGS target enrichment to disentangle radiations in the tribe Cardueae (Compositae)
S Herrando-Moraira, JA Calleja, P Carnicero, K Fujikawa, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 128, 69-87, 2018
Vegetación ribereña de los ríos y ramblas de la España meridional (península y archipiélagos)
R Garilleti, JA Calleja, F Lara
Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, Centro de …, 2012
New national and regional bryophyte records, 49
LT Ellis, E Agcagil, M Kırmacı, M Aleffi, VA Bakalin, H Bednarek-Ochyra, ...
Journal of bryology 38 (4), 327-347, 2016
Different effects of alpine woody plant expansion on domestic and wild ungulates
J Espunyes, M Lurgi, U Büntgen, J Bartolomé, JA Calleja, ...
Global change biology 25 (5), 1808-1819, 2019
Do mosses really exhibit so large distribution ranges? Insights from the integrative taxonomic study of the Lewinskya affinis complex (Orthotrichaceae, Bryopsida)
B Vigalondo, R Garilleti, A Vanderpoorten, J Patiño, I Draper, JA Calleja, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 140, 106598, 2019
Seasonal diet composition of Pyrenean chamois is mainly shaped by primary production waves
ES Johan EspunyesID1 *, Jordi Bartolome ́ 2 , Mathieu Garel3 , Arturo Ga ́lvez ...
PloS-One, 2019
New national and regional bryophyte records, 60
Journal of Bryology 41 (3), 285 - 299, 2019
New national and regional bryophyte records, 51
LT Ellis, M Aleffi, H Bednarek-Ochyra, VA Bakalin, M Boiko, JA Calleja, ...
Journal of Bryology 39 (2), 177-190, 2017
Cattle grazing fails to control shrub encroachment in Mediterranean landscapes
JA Calleja, M Escolà, JM Forcadell, J Carvalho, E Serrano, J Bartolomé
Rangeland Ecology and Management, 2019
Repeatability of feather mite prevalence and intensity in passerine birds
J Diaz-Real, D Serrano, J Pérez-Tris, S Fernández-González, A Bermejo, ...
PloS one 9 (9), e107341, 2014
Insights Into the Evolutionary History of the Subfamily Orthotrichoideae (Orthotrichaceae, Bryophyta): New and Former Supra-Specific Taxa So Far Obscured by Prevailing Homoplasy
FL sabel Draper*, Ricardo Garilleti, Juan Antonio Calleja, Maren Flagmeier ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 26,, 2021
Grazing influences biomass production and protein content of alpine meadows
L Jarque-Bascuñana, JA Calleja, M Ibañez, J Bartolomé, E Albanell, ...
Science of The Total Environment 818, 151771, 2022
Bryophytes of Europe Traits ( BET ) dataset: a fundamental tool for ecological studies
K van Zuijlen, MP Nobis, L Hedenäs, N Hodgetts, JA Calleja, B Albertos, ...
Journal of Vegetation Science, 2023
A new native plant in the neighborhood: effects on plant–pollinator networks, pollination, and plant reproductive success
C Hernández‐Castellano, A Rodrigo, JM Gómez, C Stefanescu, ...
Ecology 101 (7), e03046, 2020
Spatial variability in a plant–pollinator community across a continuous habitat: high heterogeneity in the face of apparent uniformity
S Reverté, J Bosch, X Arnan, T Roslin, C Stefanescu, JA Calleja, ...
Ecography 42 (9), 1558-1568, 2019
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Articles 1–20