Marin Pilloud
Marin Pilloud
Department of Anthropology, University of Nevada, Reno
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Cited by
“Official” and “practical” kin: Inferring social and community structure from dental phenotype at Neolithic Çatalhöyük, Turkey
MA Pilloud, CS Larsen
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 145 (4), 519-530, 2011
Environmental selection during the last ice age on the mother-to-infant transmission of vitamin D and fatty acids through breast milk
LJ Hlusko, JP Carlson, G Chaplin, SA Elias, JF Hoffecker, M Huffman, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (19), E4426-E4432, 2018
Dental morphology
GR Scott, MA Pilloud
Biological anthropology of the human skeleton, 257-292, 2018
Bioarchaeology of Neolithic Çatalhöyük reveals fundamental transitions in health, mobility, and lifestyle in early farmers
CS Larsen, CJ Knüsel, SD Haddow, MA Pilloud, M Milella, JW Sadvari, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (26), 12615-12623, 2019
rASUDAS: a new web-based application for estimating ancestry from tooth morphology
GR Scott, MA Pilloud, D Navega, J d'Oliveira, E Cunha, JD Irish
Forensic Anthropology 1 (1), 18-31, 2018
Variable kinship patterns in Neolithic Anatolia revealed by ancient genomes
R Yaka, I Mapelli, D Kaptan, A Doğu, M Chyleński, ÖD Erdal, D Koptekin, ...
Current Biology 31 (11), 2455-2468. e18, 2021
Biological distance analysis: forensic and bioarchaeological perspectives
MA Pilloud, JT Hefner
Academic Press, 2016
Bioarchaeology of Neolithic Çatalhöyük: Lives and lifestyles of an early farming society in transition
CS Larsen, SW Hillson, B Boz, MA Pilloud, JW Sadvari, SC Agarwal, ...
Journal of World Prehistory 28, 27-68, 2015
The use of tooth crown measurements in the assessment of ancestry
MA Pilloud, JT Hefner, T Hanihara, A Hayashi
Journal of Forensic Sciences 59 (6), 1493-1501, 2014
The need to incorporate human variation and evolutionary theory in forensic anthropology: A call for reform
AH Ross, M Pilloud
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 176 (4), 672-683, 2021
Violence among foragers: The bioarchaeological record from central California
AW Schwitalla, TL Jones, MA Pilloud, BF Codding, RS Wiberg
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 33, 66-83, 2014
The human remains I: Interpreting community structure, health and diet in Neolithic Çatalhöyük
SW Hillson, CS Larsen, B Boz, MA Pilloud, JW Sadvari, SC Agarwal, ...
Humans and Landscapes of Çatalhöyük: Reports from the 2008, 339-96, 2000
Sinodonty, Sundadonty, and the Beringian Standstill model: Issues of timing and migrations into the New World
GR Scott, K Schmitz, KN Heim, KS Paul, R Schomberg, MA Pilloud
Quaternary International 466, 233-246, 2018
Ethics and professionalism in forensic anthropology
NV Passalacqua, MA Pilloud
Academic Press, 2018
A brief history of biological distance analysis
JT Hefner, MA Pilloud, JE Buikstra, CCM Vogelsberg
Biological distance analysis, 3-22, 2016
Morphoscopic trait expression in “Hispanic” populations
JT Hefner, MA Pilloud, CJ Black, BE Anderson
Journal of forensic sciences 60 (5), 1135-1139, 2015
Community structure at Neolithic Çatalhöyük: biological distance analysis of household, neighborhood, and settlement
MA Pilloud
The Ohio State University, 2009
Dental metrics in biodistance analysis
MA Pilloud, MW Kenyhercz
Biological distance analysis, 135-155, 2016
Forensic anthropology as a discipline
NV Passalacqua, MA Pilloud, D Congram
Biology 10 (8), 691, 2021
A bioarchaeological and forensic re-assessment of vulture defleshing and mortuary practices at Neolithic Çatalhöyük
MA Pilloud, SD Haddow, CJ Knüsel, CS Larsen
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 10, 735-743, 2016
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Articles 1–20