Barry Huebert
Barry Huebert
Emeritus professor of Oceanography, University of Hawaii
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Changing sources of nutrients during four million years of ecosystem development
OA Chadwick, LA Derry, PM Vitousek, BJ Huebert, LO Hedin
Nature 397 (6719), 491-497, 1999
An overview of ACE‐Asia: Strategies for quantifying the relationships between Asian aerosols and their climatic impacts
BJ Huebert, T Bates, PB Russell, G Shi, YJ Kim, K Kawamura, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 108 (D23), 2003
A large organic aerosol source in the free troposphere missing from current models
CL Heald, DJ Jacob, RJ Park, LM Russell, BJ Huebert, JH Seinfeld, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (18), 2005
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire‐derived (black/elemental) carbon in soils and sediments using reference materials from soil, water, sediment and the atmosphere
K Hammes, MWI Schmidt, RJ Smernik, LA Currie, WP Ball, TH Nguyen, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 21 (3), 2007
Attribution of aerosol light absorption to black carbon, brown carbon, and dust in China–interpretations of atmospheric measurements during EAST-AIRE
M Yang, SG Howell, J Zhuang, BJ Huebert
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9 (6), 2035-2050, 2009
Critical assessment of the current state of scientific knowledge, terminology, and research needs concerning the role of organic aerosols in the atmosphere, climate, and global …
S Fuzzi, MO Andreae, BJ Huebert, M Kulmala, TC Bond, M Boy, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 6 (7), 2017-2038, 2006
Size distributions and mixtures of dust and black carbon aerosol in Asian outflow: Physiochemistry and optical properties
AD Clarke, Y Shinozuka, VN Kapustin, S Howell, B Huebert, S Doherty, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 109 (D15), 2004
ACE-Asia intercomparison of a thermal-optical method for the determination of particle-phase organic and elemental carbon
JJ Schauer, BT Mader, JT Deminter, G Heidemann, MS Bae, JH Seinfeld, ...
Environmental science & technology 37 (5), 993-1001, 2003
International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) project's first aerosol characterization experiment (ACE 1): Overview
TS Bates, BJ Huebert, JL Gras, FB Griffiths, PA Durkee
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 103 (D13), 16297-16318, 1998
ACE-ASIA: regional climatic and atmospheric chemical effects of Asian dust and pollution
JH Seinfeld, GR Carmichael, R Arimoto, WC Conant, FJ Brechtel, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 85 (3), 367-380, 2004
A study of the photochemistry and ozone budget during the Mauna Loa Observatory Photochemistry Experiment
SC Liu, M Trainer, MA Carroll, G Hübler, DD Montzka, RB Norton, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 97 (D10), 10463-10471, 1992
The VAMOS ocean-cloud-atmosphere-land study regional experiment (VOCALS-REx): Goals, platforms, and field operations
R Wood, CR Mechoso, CS Bretherton, RA Weller, B Huebert, F Straneo, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (2), 627-654, 2011
Inorganic bromine in the marine boundary layer: a critical review
R Sander, WC Keene, AAP Pszenny, R Arimoto, GP Ayers, E Baboukas, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 3 (5), 1301-1336, 2003
Multi-decadal aerosol variations from 1980 to 2009: a perspective from observations and a global model
M Chin, T Diehl, Q Tan, JM Prospero, RA Kahn, LA Remer, H Yu, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14 (7), 3657-3690, 2014
Characterization of Asian dust during ACE-Asia
R Arimoto, YJ Kim, YP Kim, PK Quinn, TS Bates, TL Anderson, S Gong, ...
Global and Planetary change 52 (1-4), 23-56, 2006
The dry deposition of nitric acid to grass
BJ Huebert, CH Robert
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 90 (D1), 2085-2090, 1985
Annual contribution of sulfur dioxide to the atmosphere by volcanoes
RE Stoiber, SN Williams, B Huebert
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 33 (1-3), 1-8, 1987
Tropospheric NO x and O3 budgets in the equatorial Pacific
SC Liu, M McFarland, D Kley, O Zafiriou, B Huebert
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 88 (C2), 1360-1368, 1983
Chemical composition of atmospheric aerosols from Zhenbeitai, China, and Gosan, South Korea, during ACE‐Asia
R Arimoto, XY Zhang, BJ Huebert, CH Kang, DL Savoie, JM Prospero, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 109 (D19), 2004
Characterization of atmospheric aerosol over XiAn in the south margin of the Loess Plateau, China
XY Zhang, JJ Cao, LM Li, R Arimoto, Y Cheng, B Huebert, D Wang
Atmospheric Environment 36 (26), 4189-4199, 2002
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Articles 1–20