Cathy Willermet
Cited by
Cited by
Conceptual issues in modern human origins research
GA Clark, CM Willermet
Transaction Publishers, 1997
Biodistances among Mexica, Maya, Toltec, and Totonac groups of central and coastal Mexico
C Willermet, HJH Edgar, C Ragsdale, BS Aubry
Chungara, Revista de Antropología Chilena 45 (3), 447-459, 2013
Paradigm crisis in modern human origins research
CM Willermet, GA Clark
Journal of Human Evolution 29 (5), 487-490, 1995
Dental morphology and ancestry in Albuquerque, New Mexico Hispanics
CM Willermet, HJH Edgar
Homo 60 (3), 207-224, 2009
Assessing interdisciplinary learning and student activism in a Water issues course
SJ Juris, A Mueller, C Willermet, E Drake, S Upadhaya, P Chhetri
Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 111-132, 2014
Water as Life, Death, and Power: Building an Integrated Interdisciplinary Course Combining Perspectives from Anthropology, Biology, and Chemistry.
C Willermet, A Mueller, SJ Juris, E Drake, S Upadhaya, P Chhetri
Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 13 (5), 106-124, 2013
Women in human evolution redux
DG Khorasani, SH Lee
Evaluating evidence in biological anthropology: The strange and the familiar …, 2020
Promoting social justice through the scholarship of teaching and learning
A Dunn, D Alm, A Chartelain, M Atkinson, N Battaglia, C Bennett, ...
Indiana University Press, 2017
Analyzing modern human origins in China
SG Keates, GA Clark, CM Willermet
Conceptual issues in modern human origins research, 294-303, 1997
Fuzzy set theory and its implications for speciation models
CM Willermet, B Hill
Conceptual issues in modern human origins research, 77-88, 1997
In search of the Neanderthals: some conceptual issues with special reference to the Levant
GA Clark, CM Willermet
Cambridge Archaeological Journal 5 (1), 153-156, 1995
The debate over modern human origins: A scientific tug-of-war
CM Willermet
Arizona State University, 1993
Frequencies of rare incisor variations reflect factors influencing precontact population relationships in Mexico and the American Southwest
HJH Edgar, C Willermet, CS Ragsdale, A O'Donnell, S Daneshvari
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 26 (6), 987-1000, 2016
Biological Anthropology in 2015: Open access, biocultural interactions, and social change
C Willermet
American Anthropologist 118 (2), 317-329, 2016
Childhood stress and developmental instability: Comparing microscopic enamel defects and cranial fluctuating asymmetry in a colonial Mexican sample
E Moes, C Willermet, K Hunley, C Ragsdale, HJH Edgar
American Journal of Biological Anthropology 179 (1), 134-147, 2022
Craniometric data and phylogenetic issues in hominid evolution
CM Willermet
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 18, 207, 1994
Changes in indigenous population structure in colonial Mexico City and Morelos
CS Ragsdale, C Willermet, HJH Edgar
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 29 (4), 501-512, 2019
Fuzzy logic as a classification tool: a case study using Levantine archaic hominids
CM Willermet
Arizona State University, 2001
Bioarchaeology of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica: an interdisciplinary approach
C Willermet, A Cucina
University Press of Florida, 2018
Species, Characters, and Fuzziness in Taxonomy.
C Willermet
PaleoAnthropology 2012, 70-86, 2012
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Articles 1–20