soumaya abbassi
soumaya abbassi
Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Macquarie University
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Cited by
Petroleum potential and kinetic models for hydrocarbon generation from the Upper Cretaceous to Paleogene Latrobe Group coals and shales in the Gippsland Basin, Australia
S Abbassi, DS Edwards, SC George, H Volk, N Mahlstedt, R di Primio, ...
Organic Geochemistry 91, 54-67, 2016
Generation characteristics of Mesozoic syn-and post-rift source rocks, Bonaparte Basin, Australia: New insights from compositional kinetic modelling
S Abbassi, SC George, DS Edwards, R di Primio, B Horsfield, H Volk
Marine and Petroleum Geology 50, 148-165, 2014
On the filling and leakage of petroleum from traps in the Laminaria High region of the northern Bonaparte Basin, Australia
S Abbassi, R di Primio, B Horsfield, DS Edwards, H Volk, Z Anka, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 59, 91-113, 2015
Geochemical characterisation and predicted bulk chemical properties of petroleum generated from Jurassic and Cretaceous source rocks in the Vulcan Sub-basin, Bonaparte Basin …
S Abbassi, B Horsfield, SC George, DS Edwards, H Volk, R Di Primio
Organic geochemistry 76, 82-103, 2014
Integrated Reservoir Characterisation of an Emerging Unconventional Resource Play in the UAE
W Newby, S Abbassi, C Fialips, B DM Gauthier, A Padin, H Pourpak, ...
Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, D021S033R002, 2019
Hydrocarbon potential characterisation and kinetic models for source rocks in the Bonaparte and Gippsland Basins, Australia
S Abbassi
Macquarie University, 2014
NanoMin; a quantum step in understanding the diagenetic and depositional history of organic carbon rich shale
M Kennedy, S Loehr, H Rahman, S Abbassi
Australian Organic Geochemistry Conference (2016: 19th): Paleoclimates …, 2016
New Insights on Potential Sources of Hydrocarbons in the Gippsland Basin
S Abbassi*, DS Edwards, S George, H Volk, R di Primio, B Horsfield
International Conference and Exhibition, Melbourne, Australia 13-16 …, 2015
Coal contribution to oil and gas accumulations in the Bonaparte and Gippsland basins: new insights from molecular and bulk kinetic data
S Abbassi, B Horsfield, R di Primio, DS Edwards, H Volk, S George
Australian Earth Sciences Convention (22nd: 2014), 2014
Potential sources of petroleum accumulations in the Gippsland Basin: insights from pyrolysis and bulk chemical data
S Abbassi, SC George, DS Edwards, H Volk, R di Primio, B Horsfield
Australian Organic Geochemistry Conference (18th: 2014): Life, environments …, 2014
On the filling and leakage of petroleum from traps in the northern Bonaparte Basin, Australia
S Abbassi, R di Primio, B Horsfield, Z Anka, H Volk, SC George, ...
Organic Geochemistry: trends for the 21st Century, Book of Abstracts of the …, 2013
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Articles 1–11