Incubation and brood care AD Afton, SL Paulus Ecology and management of breeding waterfowl. University of Minnesota Press …, 1992 | 336 | 1992 |
Bioenergetics of breeding Northern Shovelers: diet, nutrient reserves, clutch size, and incubation CD Ankney, AD Afton The Condor 90 (2), 459-472, 1988 | 199 | 1988 |
Declining scaup populations: a retrospective analysis of long-term population and harvest survey data AD Afton, MG Anderson The Journal of wildlife management, 781-796, 2001 | 191 | 2001 |
Declining scaup populations: issues, hypotheses, and research needs JE Austin, AD Afton, MG Anderson, RG Clark, CM Custer, JS Lawrence, ... Wildlife Society Bulletin, 254-263, 2000 | 182 | 2000 |
Influence of age and time on reproductive performance of female Lesser Scaup AD Afton The Auk 101 (2), 255-265, 1984 | 173 | 1984 |
Timing of nest searches for upland nesting waterfowl ML Gloutney, RG Clark, AD Afton, GJ Huff The Journal of wildlife management, 597-601, 1993 | 167 | 1993 |
The role of nutrient reserves in limiting waterfowl reproduction CD Ankney, AD Afton, RT Alisauskas The Condor 93 (4), 1029-1032, 1991 | 151 | 1991 |
Nutrient Reserves of Lesser Scaup (Aythya Affinis) During Spring Migration in the Mississippi Flyway: A Test of the Spring Condition Hypothesis MJ Anteau, AD Afton The Auk 121 (3), 917-929, 2004 | 149 | 2004 |
Nutrient-reserve dynamics of breeding lesser scaup: a test of competing hypotheses AD Afton, CD Ankney The Condor 93 (1), 89-97, 1991 | 145 | 1991 |
Data set incongruence and correlated character evolution: an example of functional convergence in the hind-limbs of stifftail diving ducks KG McCracken, J Harshman, DA McClellan, AD Afton Systematic biology 48 (4), 683-714, 1999 | 144 | 1999 |
Factors affecting incubation rhythms of Northern Shovelers AD Afton The Condor 82 (2), 132-137, 1980 | 136 | 1980 |
Lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) JE Austin, CM Custer, AD Afton | 126 | 1998 |
Time budget of breeding Northern Shovelers AD Afton The Wilson Bulletin, 42-49, 1979 | 108 | 1979 |
Forced copulation results in few extrapair fertilizations in Ross’s and lesser snow geese PO Dunn, AD Afton, ML Gloutney, RT Alisauskas Animal Behaviour 57 (5), 1071-1081, 1999 | 105 | 1999 |
Forced copulation as a reproductive strategy of male lesser scaup: a field test of some predictions AD Afton Behaviour 92 (1-2), 146-167, 1985 | 101 | 1985 |
Relationships between wintering waterbirds and invertebrates, sediments and hydrology of coastal marsh ponds F Bolduc, AD Afton Waterbirds 27 (3), 333-341, 2004 | 95 | 2004 |
Amphipod densities and indices of wetland quality across the upper-Midwest, USA MJ Anteau, AD Afton Wetlands 28, 184-196, 2008 | 93 | 2008 |
Effects of capture and handling on survival of female northern pintails (Efectos de la captura y la manipulación en la supervivencias de Anas acuta) RR Cox Jr, AD Afton Journal of Field Ornithology, 276-287, 1998 | 90 | 1998 |
Use of habitats by female northern pintails wintering in southwestern Louisiana RR Cox Jr, AD Afton The Journal of wildlife management, 435-443, 1997 | 90 | 1997 |
Lesser scaup diets during migration and winter in the Mississippi flyway AD Afton, RH Hier, SL Paulus Canadian Journal of Zoology 69 (2), 328-333, 1991 | 88 | 1991 |