Terje Gobakken
Terje Gobakken
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Lidar sampling for large-area forest characterization: A review
MA Wulder, JC White, RF Nelson, E Næsset, HO Ørka, NC Coops, ...
Remote sensing of environment 121, 196-209, 2012
Laser scanning of forest resources: the Nordic experience
E Næsset, T Gobakken, J Holmgren, H Hyyppä, J Hyyppä, M Maltamo, ...
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 19 (6), 482-499, 2004
Estimation of above-and below-ground biomass across regions of the boreal forest zone using airborne laser
E Næsset, T Gobakken
Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (6), 3079-3090, 2008
Inventory of small forest areas using an unmanned aerial system
S Puliti, HO Ørka, T Gobakken, E Næsset
Remote Sensing 7 (8), 9632-9654, 2015
Comparative testing of single-tree detection algorithms under different types of forest
J Vauhkonen, L Ene, S Gupta, J Heinzel, J Holmgren, J Pitkänen, ...
Forestry 85 (1), 27-40, 2012
Tree species classification in boreal forests with hyperspectral data
M Dalponte, HO Ørka, T Gobakken, D Gianelle, E Næsset
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 51 (5), 2632-2645, 2012
Tree crown delineation and tree species classification in boreal forests using hyperspectral and ALS data
M Dalponte, HO Ørka, LT Ene, T Gobakken, E Næsset
Remote sensing of environment 140, 306-317, 2014
Prediction of species specific forest inventory attributes using a nonparametric semi-individual tree crown approach based on fused airborne laser scanning and multispectral data
J Breidenbach, E Næsset, V Lien, T Gobakken, S Solberg
Remote Sensing of Environment 114 (4), 911-924, 2010
Assessing effects of laser point density, ground sampling intensity, and field sample plot size on biophysical stand properties derived from airborne laser scanner data
T Gobakken, E Næsset
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38 (5), 1095-1109, 2008
Aboveground biomass density models for NASA’s Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) lidar mission
L Duncanson, JR Kellner, J Armston, R Dubayah, DM Minor, S Hancock, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 270, 112845, 2022
Estimating forest growth using canopy metrics derived from airborne laser scanner data
E Næsset, T Gobakken
Remote sensing of environment 96 (3-4), 453-465, 2005
Living and dying in a multi‐predator landscape of fear: roe deer are squeezed by contrasting pattern of predation risk imposed by lynx and humans
K Lone, LE Loe, T Gobakken, JDC Linnell, J Odden, J Remmen, ...
Oikos 123 (6), 641-651, 2014
Comparing regression methods in estimation of biophysical properties of forest stands from two different inventories using laser scanner data
E Næsset, OM Bollandsås, T Gobakken
Remote sensing of environment 94 (4), 541-553, 2005
Model-based inference for biomass estimation in a LiDAR sample survey in Hedmark County, Norway
G Ståhl, S Holm, TG Gregoire, T Gobakken, E Næsset, R Nelson
Canadian journal of forest research 41 (1), 96-107, 2011
Estimation of diameter and basal area distributions in coniferous forest by means of airborne laser scanner data
T Gobakken, E Næsset
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 19 (6), 529-542, 2004
Comparing stand inventories for large areas based on photo-interpretation and laser scanning by means of cost-plus-loss analyses
T Eid, T Gobakken, E Næsset
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 19 (6), 512-523, 2004
Remote sensing and forest inventories in Nordic countries–roadmap for the future
A Kangas, R Astrup, J Breidenbach, J Fridman, T Gobakken, ...
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 33 (4), 397-412, 2018
Inference for lidar-assisted estimation of forest growing stock volume
RE McRoberts, E Næsset, T Gobakken
Remote Sensing of Environment 128, 268-275, 2013
Model-assisted regional forest biomass estimation using LiDAR and InSAR as auxiliary data: A case study from a boreal forest area
E Næsset, T Gobakken, S Solberg, TG Gregoire, R Nelson, G Ståhl, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (12), 3599-3614, 2011
Model-assisted estimation of biomass in a LiDAR sample survey in Hedmark County, Norway
TG Gregoire, G Ståhl, E Næsset, T Gobakken, R Nelson, S Holm
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41 (1), 83-95, 2011
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Articles 1–20