Jacob A Tennessen
Jacob A Tennessen
Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health
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Evolution and functional impact of rare coding variation from deep sequencing of human exomes
JA Tennessen, AW Bigham, TD O’connor, W Fu, EE Kenny, S Gravel, ...
Science 337 (6090), 64-69, 2012
Whole genome analysis of a schistosomiasis-transmitting freshwater snail
CM Adema, LDW Hillier, CS Jones, ES Loker, M Knight, P Minx, ...
Nature Communications 8, 15451, 2017
Evolutionary origins and dynamics of octoploid strawberry subgenomes revealed by dense targeted capture linkage maps
JA Tennessen, R Govindarajulu, TL Ashman, A Liston
Genome Biology and Evolution 6 (12), 3295-3313, 2014
Molecular evolution of animal antimicrobial peptides: widespread moderate positive selection
JA Tennessen
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 18 (6), 1387-1394, 2005
Variations in the expressed antimicrobial peptide repertoire of northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens) populations suggest intraspecies differences in resistance to pathogens
JA Tennessen, DC Woodhams, P Chaurand, LK Reinert, D Billheimer, ...
Developmental & Comparative Immunology 33 (12), 1247-1257, 2009
Repeated translocation of a gene cassette drives sex-chromosome turnover in strawberries
JA Tennessen, N Wei, SCK Straub, R Govindarajulu, A Liston, TL Ashman
PLoS Biology 16 (8), e2006062, 2018
Rapid genetic adaptation to a novel environment despite a genome‐wide reduction in genetic diversity
JR Willoughby, AM Harder, JA Tennessen, KT Scribner, MR Christie
Molecular Ecology, 2018
Hyperdiverse gene cluster in snail host conveys resistance to human schistosome parasites
JA Tennessen, A Théron, M Marine, JY Yeh, A Rognon, MS Blouin
PLoS Genetics 11 (3), e1005067, 2015
Revisiting the origin of octoploid strawberry
A Liston, N Wei, JA Tennessen, J Li, M Dong, TL Ashman
Nature Genetics 52 (1), 2-4, 2020
Early male reproductive advantage, multiple paternity and sperm storage in an amphibian aggregate breeder
JA Tennessen, KR Zamudio
Molecular Ecology 12 (6), 1567-1576, 2003
Targeted sequence capture provides insight into genome structure and genetics of male sterility in a gynodioecious diploid strawberry, Fragaria vesca ssp. bracteata (Rosaceae)
JA Tennessen, R Govindarajulu, A Liston, TL Ashman
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 3 (8), 1341-1351, 2013
Selection for antimicrobial peptide diversity in frogs leads to gene duplication and low allelic variation
JA Tennessen, MS Blouin
Journal of molecular evolution 65, 605-615, 2007
Bayesian parentage analysis with systematic accountability of genotyping error, missing data and false matching
MR Christie, JA Tennessen, MS Blouin
Bioinformatics 29 (6), 725-732, 2013
Comparison of nuclear, plastid, and mitochondrial phylogenies and the origin of wild octoploid strawberry species
R Govindarajulu, M Parks, JA Tennessen, A Liston, TL Ashman
American Journal of Botany 102 (4), 544-554, 2015
Parallel adaptive divergence among geographically diverse human populations
JA Tennessen, JM Akey
PLoS Genetics 7 (6), e1002127, 2011
Schistosome infectivity in the snail, Biomphalaria glabrata, is partially dependent on the expression of Grctm6, a Guadeloupe Resistance Complex protein.
ERO Allan, JA Tennessen, SR Bollmann, PC Hanington, CJ Bayne, ...
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 11 (2), e0005362, 2017
Balancing selection at a frog antimicrobial peptide locus: fluctuating immune effector alleles?
JA Tennessen, MS Blouin
Molecular Biology and Evolution 25 (12), 2669-2680, 2008
Genome-wide scan and test of candidate genes in the snail Biomphalaria glabrata reveal new locus influencing resistance to Schistosoma mansoni
JA Tennessen, KM Bonner, SR Bollmann, JA Johnstun, JY Yeh, M Marine, ...
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 9 (9), e0004077, 2015
Homomorphic ZW chromosomes in a wild strawberry show distinctive recombination heterogeneity but a small sex‐determining region
JA Tennessen, R Govindarajulu, A Liston, TL Ashman
New Phytologist 211 (4), 1412-1423, 2016
Genetic differentiation among mountain island populations of the striped plateau lizard, Sceloporus virgatus (Squamata: Phrynosomatidae)
JA Tennessen, KR Zamudio
Copeia 2008 (3), 558-564, 2008
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Articles 1–20