Pamela McElwee
Cited by
Cited by
IPBES-IPCC co-sponsored workshop report on biodiversity and climate change
HO Pörtner, RJ Scholes, J Agard, R Leemans, E Archer, X Bai, D Barnes, ...
Which practices co‐deliver food security, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and combat land degradation and desertification?
P Smith, K Calvin, J Nkem, D Campbell, F Cherubini, G Grassi, V Korotkov, ...
Global Change Biology 26 (3), 1532-1575, 2020
Contribution of anthropology to the study of climate change
J Barnes, M Dove, M Lahsen, A Mathews, P McElwee, R McIntosh, ...
Nature Climate Change 3 (6), 541-544, 2013
The contributions of Indigenous Peoples and local communities to ecological restoration
V Reyes‐García, Á Fernández‐Llamazares, P McElwee, Z Molnár, ...
Restoration Ecology 27 (1), 3-8, 2019
Payments for environmental services as neoliberal market-based forest conservation in Vietnam: Panacea or problem?
PD McElwee
Geoforum 43 (3), 412-426, 2012
Forests are Gold: Trees, People and Environmental Rule in Vietnam
P McElwee
University of Washington Press, 2016
Locally based, regionally manifested, and globally relevant: Indigenous and local knowledge, values, and practices for nature
ES Brondízio, Y Aumeeruddy-Thomas, P Bates, J Carino, ...
Annual Review of Environment and Resources 46 (1), 481-509, 2021
Overcoming the coupled climate and biodiversity crises and their societal impacts
HO Pörtner, RJ Scholes, A Arneth, DKA Barnes, MT Burrows, ...
Science 380 (6642), eabl4881, 2023
Becoming Socialist or Becoming Kinh?: Government Policies for Ethnic Minorities in the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
P McElwee
Civilizing the Margins: Southeast Asian Government Policies for the …, 2004
Transformative governance of biodiversity: insights for sustainable development
IJ Visseren-Hamakers, J Razzaque, P McElwee, E Turnhout, E Kelemen, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 53, 20-28, 2021
Forest environmental income in Vietnam: household socioeconomic factors influencing forest use
PD Mcelwee
Environmental conservation 35 (2), 147-159, 2008
You say illegal, I say legal: the relationship between ‘illegal’logging and land tenure, poverty, and forest use rights in Vietnam
P McElwee
Journal of sustainable forestry 19 (1-3), 97-135, 2004
Recognizing Indigenous peoples’ and local communities’ rights and agency in the post-2020 Biodiversity Agenda
V Reyes-García, Á Fernández-Llamazares, Y Aumeeruddy-Thomas, ...
Ambio 51 (1), 84-92, 2022
Reforesting “bare hills” in Vietnam: Social and environmental consequences of the 5 million hectare reforestation program
P McElwee
Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment 38 (6), 325-333, 2009
Working with Indigenous and local knowledge (ILK) in large‐scale ecological assessments: Reviewing the experience of the IPBES Global Assessment
P McElwee, Á Fernández‐Llamazares, Y Aumeeruddy‐Thomas, D Babai, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (9), 1666-1676, 2020
A state‐of‐the‐art review of indigenous peoples and environmental pollution
Á Fernández‐Llamazares, M Garteizgogeascoa, N Basu, ES Brondizio, ...
Integrated environmental assessment and management 16 (3), 324-341, 2020
Technical summary
PR Shukla, J Skea, R Slade, R Diemen, E Haughey, J Malley, M Pathak, ...
Resource use among rural agricultural households near protected areas in Vietnam: the social costs of conservation and implications for enforcement
PD McElwee
Environmental management 45, 113-131, 2010
Payments for environmental services and contested neoliberalisation in developing countries: A case study from Vietnam
P McElwee, T Nghiem, H Le, H Vu, N Tran
Journal of Rural Studies 36, 423-440, 2014
The impact of interventions in the global land and agri‐food sectors on Nature’s Contributions to People and the UN Sustainable Development Goals
P McElwee, K Calvin, D Campbell, F Cherubini, G Grassi, V Korotkov, ...
Global Change Biology 26 (9), 4691-4721, 2020
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Articles 1–20