Esther Lucassen
Esther Lucassen
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Internal eutrophication: how it works and what to do about it–a review
AJP Smolders, LPM Lamers, E Lucassen, G Van der Velde, JG Roelofs
Chem. Ecol 22, 93-111, 0
How nitrate leaching from agricultural lands provokes phosphate eutrophication in groundwater fed wetlands: the sulphur bridge
AJP Smolders, EC Lucassen, R Bobbink, JGM Roelofs, LPM Lamers
Biogeochemistry 98, 1-7, 2010
Microbial transformations of nitrogen, sulfur, and iron dictate vegetation composition in wetlands: a review
LPM Lamers, JMH Van Diggelen, HJM Op den Camp, EJW Visser, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 3, 156, 2012
Interactive effects of low pH and high ammonium levels responsible for the decline of Cirsium dissectum (L.) Hill.
E Lucassen, R Bobbink, AJP Smolders, PJM van der Ven, LPM Lamers, ...
Plant Ecology 165, 45-52, 2003
Increased groundwater levels cause iron toxicity in Glyceria fluitans (L.)
EC Lucassen, AJP Smolders, JGM Roelofs
Aquatic Botany 66 (4), 321-327, 2000
Water table fluctuations and groundwater supply are important in preventing phosphate-eutrophication in sulphate-rich fens: consequences for wetland restoration
EC Lucassen, AJP Smolders, LPM Lamers, JGM Roelofs
Plant and Soil 269, 109-115, 2005
Water quality dependent recovery from aluminum stress in Atlantic salmon smolt
F Kroglund, HC Teien, BO Rosseland, B Salbu, EC Lucassen
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 130, 911-916, 2001
Decreasing the Abundance of Juncus effusus on Former Agricultural Lands with Noncalcareous Sandy Soils: Possible Effects of Liming and Soil Removal
AJP Smolders, EC Lucassen, M Van Der Aalst, LPM Lamers, ...
Restoration Ecology 16 (2), 240-248, 2008
Effects of stagnating sulphate-rich groundwater on the mobility of phosphate in freshwater wetlands: a field experiment
E Lucassen, AJ P Smolders, J Van de Crommenacker, JGM Roelofs
Archiv fur Hydrobiologie 160 (1), 117-131, 2004
Molecular analysis of AMF diversity in aquatic macrophytes: a comparison of oligotrophic and utra-oligotrophic lakes
J Baar, I Paradi, EC Lucassen, KA Hudson-Edwards, D Redecker, ...
Aquatic Botany 94 (2), 53-61, 2011
Groundwater input affecting plant distribution by controlling ammonium and iron availability
EC Lucassen, AJP Smolders, G Boedeltje, PJJ van den Munckhof, ...
Journal of Vegetation Science 17 (4), 425-434, 2006
The effects of liming and reacidification on the growth of Juncus bulbosus: a mesocosm experiment
EC Lucassen, R Bobbink, M Oonk, TE Brandrud, JGM Roelofs
Aquatic botany 64 (2), 95-103, 1999
Influence of quantity and lability of sediment organic matter on the biomass of two isoetids, Littorella uniflora and Echinodorus repens
C Pulido, ECHET Lucassen, O Pedersen, JGM Roelofs
Freshwater Biology 56 (5), 939-951, 2011
Fosfaat als adder onder het gras bij nieuwe natte'natuur'
L Lamers, E Lucassen, F Smolders, J Roelofs
H2O 38 (17), 28, 2005
Long‐term effects of liming in Norwegian softwater lakes: the rise and fall of bulbous rush (Juncus bulbosus) and decline of isoetid vegetation
EC Lucassen, JGM Roelofs, SC Schneider, AJP Smolders
Freshwater Biology 61 (5), 769-782, 2016
Elevated alkalinity and sulfate adversely affect the aquatic macrophyte Lobelia dortmanna
C Pulido, DJH Keijsers, EC Lucassen, O Pedersen, JGM Roelofs
Aquatic Ecology 46, 283-295, 2012
Alkalinity generation and sediment CO2 uptake influence establishment of Sparganium angustifolium in softwater lakes
EC Lucassen, P Spierenburg, RGA Fraaije, AJP Smolders, JGM Roelofs
Freshwater Biology 54 (11), 2300-2314, 2009
Endring i aluminiumsgiftighet i en humus-fattig elv ved bruk av kjemiske tiltak. Forsøk med laksesmolt i Suldalslågen
F Kroglund, HC Teien, BO Rosseland, E Lucassen, B Salbu, Å Åtland
Norsk institutt for vannforskning, 1998
Massive uprooting of Littorella uniflora (L.) Asch. during a storm event and its relation to sediment and plant characteristics
P Spierenburg, E Lucassen, C Pulido, AJP Smolders, JGM Roelofs
Plant Biology, 2013
Improved prediction of vegetation composition in NW European softwater lakes by combining location, water and sediment chemistry
C Pulido, K Sand-Jensen, EC Lucassen, JGM Roelofs, KP Brodersen, ...
Aquatic Sciences-Research Across Boundaries, 1-10, 0
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Articles 1–20