Cesar Ochoa-Cueva
Cited by
Cited by
A Comparison between Deductive and Inductive Approaches for Teaching EFL Grammar to High School Students.
C Benitez-Correa, P Gonzalez-Torres, A Vargas-Saritama
International Journal of Instruction 12 (1), 225-236, 2019
The impact of using Pixton for teaching grammar and vocabulary in the EFL Ecuadorian context
A Quiñonez, P Cabrera, C Ochoa, P Gonzalez, L Castillo
Teaching English with Technology 18 (1), 53-76, 2018
The effect of communicative activities on efl learners' motivation: A case of students in the amazon region of Ecuador
C Ochoa, P Cabrera, A Quiñónez, L Castillo, P González
Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal 18 (2), 39-48, 2016
Spanish interference in EFL writing skills: A case of Ecuadorian senior high schools.
PA Cabrera Solano, PF González Torres, CA Ochoa Cueva, ...
English Language Teaching 7 (7), 40-48, 2014
EFL Teaching in the Amazon Region of Ecuador: A Focus on Activities and Resources for Teaching Listening and Speaking Skills.
PF Gonzalez, CA Ochoa, PA Cabrera, LM Castillo, AL Quinonez, ...
English Language Teaching 8 (8), 94-103, 2015
Using Digital Storytelling as a Strategy for Enhancing EFL Writing Skills.
L Castillo-Cuesta, A Quinonez-Beltran, P Cabrera-Solano, ...
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 16 (13), 2021
Enhancing EFL students’ active learning by using ‘Formative’on mobile devices
P Cabrera-Solano, A Quinonez-Beltran, P Gonzalez-Torres, ...
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 15 (13 …, 2020
Virtual workspaces for enhancing collaborative work in EFL learning: A case study in higher education
L Castillo-Cuesta, C Ochoa-Cueva, P Cabrera-Solano
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 17 (2), 4-18, 2022
Using Pixton for teaching EFL writing in higher education during the covid-19 pandemic
P Cabrera-Solano, P Gonzalez-Torres, C Ochoa-Cueva
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 20 (9 …, 2021
Comparación de dos medias. Pruebas de la t de Student
M Molina, C Ochoa, E Ortega
Evid Pediatr 16 (4), 1-7, 2020
Estudios observacionales (I)
M Molina, C Ochoa
Estudios transversales. Medidas de frecuencia. Técnicas de muestreo. Evid …, 2013
The impact of online annotation tools on students’ academic performance in a distance university program
C Benıtez, A Quınones, P Gonzalez, C Ochoa, A Vargas
Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education 21 (2), 167-177, 2020
Implementing the Engage, Study, Activate Approach Using Technological Tools in Higher Education
P Cabrera-Solano, C Ochoa-Cueva, L Castillo-Cuesta
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 22 (1 …, 2023
Tipos de estudios epidemiológicos
M Molina, C Ochoa
Evidencias en pediatría 9 (53), 1-5, 2013
Percepciones sobre la influencia de las actividades no comunicativas en la motivación para el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera
PF González Torres, LM Castillo Cuesta, AL Quiñónez Beltrán, ...
Revista complutense de educación, 2018
Estudios observacionales (III)
M Molina, C Ochoa
Estudios de casos y controles. Evid Pediatr 10, 33, 2014
Ensayo clínico (III). Aleatorización. Enmascaramiento
M Molina, C Ochoa
Evidencias en Pediatría, 1-6, 2005
Students’ preferences and learning styles in relation to reading and writing strategies at distance higher education
C Benitez-Correa, A Vargas-Saritama, P Gonzalez-Torres, ...
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 21 (4 …, 2022
Evaluacíón de la Valídez de las Pruebas Diagnósticas (I). Sensibilidad y Especifidad
M Molina, C Ochoa
Evidencias en Pediatría 12 (2), 34, 2016
Tiras cómicas digitales para la enseñanza de escritura en inglés como lengua extranjera en la educación superior
PFG Torres, CAO Cueva, PAC Solano, ALQ Beltrán, LMC Cuesta
Tendencias en la Investigación Universitaria. Una visión desde Latinoamérica …, 2019
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Articles 1–20