Ben Mapani
Ben Mapani
Namibia University of Science and Technology; Professor of Geology
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The mesoproterozoic Irumide belt of Zambia
B De Waele, AB Kampunzu, BSE Mapani, F Tembo
Journal of African Earth Sciences 46 (1-2), 36-70, 2006
Untying the Kibaran knot: A reassessment of Mesoproterozoic correlations in southern Africa based on SHRIMP U-Pb data from the Irumide belt
B De Waele, MTD Wingate, ICW Fitzsimons, BSE Mapani
Geology 31 (6), 509-512, 2003
Assessment of agricultural soil contamination by potentially toxic metals dispersed from improperly disposed tailings, Kombat mine, Namibia
M Mileusnić, BS Mapani, AF Kamona, S Ružičić, I Mapaure, ...
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 144, 409-420, 2014
Improving policy coherence for food security and nutrition in South Africa: a qualitative policy analysis
AM Thow, S Greenberg, M Hara, S Friel, A duToit, D Sanders
Food Security 10, 1105-1130, 2018
The geochronological framework of the Irumide Belt: A prolonged crustal history along the margin of the Bangweulu Craton.
B De Waele, I Fitzsimons, M Wingate, F Tembo, B Mapani, E Belousova
American Journal of Science 309 (2), 132-187, 2009
The pH-dependent leaching behavior of slags from various stages of a copper smelting process: Environmental implications
A Jarošíková, V Ettler, M Mihaljevič, B Kříbek, B Mapani
Journal of environmental management 187, 178-186, 2017
U–Pb age and Lu–Hf isotopic data of detrital zircons from the Neoproterozoic Damara Sequence: Implications for Congo and Kalahari before Gondwana
DA Foster, BD Goscombe, B Newstead, B Mapani, PA Mueller, ...
Gondwana Research 28 (1), 179-190, 2015
Zimbabwean mine dumps and their impacts on river water quality–a reconnaissance study
M Meck, D Love, B Mapani
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 31 (15-16), 797-803, 2006
Signature of coseismic decarbonation in dolomitic fault rocks of the Naukluft Thrust, Namibia
CD Rowe, Å Fagereng, JA Miller, B Mapani
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 333, 200-210, 2012
Oral bioaccessibility of metal (loid) s in dust materials from mining areas of northern Namibia
V Ettler, M Cihlová, A Jarošíková, M Mihaljevič, P Drahota, B Kříbek, ...
Environment international 124, 205-215, 2019
Tracing the metal dynamics in semi-arid soils near mine tailings using stable Cu and Pb isotopes
M Mihaljevič, R Baieta, V Ettler, A Vaněk, B Kříbek, V Penížek, P Drahota, ...
Chemical Geology 515, 61-76, 2019
Geology and correlation of the central Irumide belt
B De Waele, B Mapani
Journal of African Earth Sciences 35 (3), 385-397, 2002
Characterization of Fe-Mn concentric nodules from Luvisol irrigated by mine water in a semi-arid agricultural area
V Ettler, M Chren, M Mihaljevič, P Drahota, B Kříbek, F Veselovský, ...
Geoderma 299, 32-42, 2017
Variability of the copper isotopic composition in soil and grass affected by mining and smelting in Tsumeb, Namibia
B Kříbek, A Šípková, V Ettler, M Mihaljevič, V Majer, I Knésl, B Mapani, ...
Chemical Geology 493, 121-135, 2018
Thallium contamination of desert soil in Namibia: chemical, mineralogical and isotopic insights
Z Grösslová, A Vaněk, V Oborná, M Mihaljevič, V Ettler, J Trubač, ...
Environmental Pollution 239, 272-280, 2018
Contamination of soils with dust fallout from the tailings dam at the Rosh Pinah area, Namibia: Regional assessment, dust dispersion modeling and environmental consequences
B Kříbek, V Majer, J Pašava, F Kamona, B Mapani, J Keder, V Ettler
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 144, 391-408, 2014
Contamination of soil and grass in the Tsumeb smelter area, Namibia: Modeling of contaminants dispersion and ground geochemical verification
B Kříbek, V Majer, I Knésl, J Keder, B Mapani, F Kamona, M Mihaljevič, ...
Applied Geochemistry 64, 75-91, 2016
Impact of a base metal slimes dam on water systems, Madziwa Mine, Zimbabwe
K Lupankwa, D Love, BS Mapani, S Mseka
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 29 (15-18), 1145-1151, 2004
Groundwater and urbanisation, risks and mitigation: The case for the city of Windhoek, Namibia
BS Mapani
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts a/b/c 30 (11-16), 706-711, 2005
Composition and fate of mine-and smelter-derived particles in soils of humid subtropical and hot semi-arid areas
V Ettler, Z Johan, B Kříbek, F Veselovský, M Mihaljevič, A Vaněk, ...
Science of the Total Environment 563, 329-339, 2016
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Articles 1–20