alex dornburg
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Cited by
A comprehensive phylogeny of birds (Aves) using targeted next-generation DNA sequencing
RO Prum, JS Berv, A Dornburg, DJ Field, JP Townsend, EM Lemmon, ...
Nature 526 (7574), 569-573, 2015
Resolution of ray-finned fish phylogeny and timing of diversification
TJ Near, RI Eytan, A Dornburg, KL Kuhn, JA Moore, MP Davis, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (34), 13698-13703, 2012
Nine exceptional radiations plus high turnover explain species diversity in jawed vertebrates
ME Alfaro, F Santini, C Brock, H Alamillo, A Dornburg, DL Rabosky, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (32), 13410-13414, 2009
Phylogeny and tempo of diversification in the superradiation of spiny-rayed fishes
TJ Near, A Dornburg, RI Eytan, BP Keck, WL Smith, KL Kuhn, JA Moore, ...
Proceedings of the national Academy of sciences 110 (31), 12738-12743, 2013
Ancient climate change, antifreeze, and the evolutionary diversification of Antarctic fishes
TJ Near, A Dornburg, KL Kuhn, JT Eastman, JN Pennington, T Patarnello, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (9), 3434-3439, 2012
Molecular and fossil evidence place the origin of cichlid fishes long after Gondwanan rifting
M Friedman, BP Keck, A Dornburg, RI Eytan, CH Martin, CD Hulsey, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1770), 20131733, 2013
The durability of immunity against reinfection by SARS-CoV-2: a comparative evolutionary study
JP Townsend, HB Hassler, Z Wang, S Miura, J Singh, S Kumar, ...
The Lancet Microbe 2 (12), e666-e675, 2021
Relaxed clocks and inferences of heterogeneous patterns of nucleotide substitution and divergence time estimates across whales and dolphins (Mammalia: Cetacea)
A Dornburg, MC Brandley, MR McGowen, TJ Near
Molecular Biology and Evolution 29 (2), 721-736, 2012
Phylogenetic informativeness reconciles ray-finned fish molecular divergence times
A Dornburg, JP Townsend, M Friedman, TJ Near
BMC Evolutionary Biology 14, 1-14, 2014
The influence of an innovative locomotor strategy on the phenotypic diversification of triggerfish (Family: Balistidae)
A Dornburg, B Sidlauskas, F Santini, L Sorenson, TJ Near, ME Alfaro
Evolution 65 (7), 1912-1926, 2011
Phylogenomic systematics of ostariophysan fishes: ultraconserved elements support the surprising non-monophyly of characiformes
P Chakrabarty, BC Faircloth, F Alda, WB Ludt, CD Mcmahan, TJ Near, ...
Systematic Biology 66 (6), 881-895, 2017
The durability of natural infection and vaccine-induced immunity against future infection by SARS-CoV-2
JP Townsend, HB Hassler, P Sah, AP Galvani, A Dornburg
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (31), e2204336119, 2022
Prolonged morphological expansion of spiny-rayed fishes following the end-Cretaceous
A Ghezelayagh, RC Harrington, ED Burress, MA Campbell, JC Buckner, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 6 (8), 1211-1220, 2022
Phylogenetic analysis of Antarctic notothenioids illuminates the utility of RADseq for resolving Cenozoic adaptive radiations
TJ Near, DJ MacGuigan, E Parker, CD Struthers, CD Jones, A Dornburg
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 129, 268-279, 2018
Integrating fossil preservation biases in the selection of calibrations for molecular divergence time estimation
A Dornburg, JM Beaulieu, JC Oliver, TJ Near
Systematic biology 60 (4), 519-527, 2011
Molecular biology and evolution of cancer: from discovery to action
JA Somarelli, H Gardner, VL Cannataro, EF Gunady, AM Boddy, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 37 (2), 320-326, 2020
Implications of lemuriform extinctions for the Malagasy flora
S Federman, A Dornburg, DC Daly, A Downie, GH Perry, AD Yoder, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (18), 5041-5046, 2016
Identification of the notothenioid sister lineage illuminates the biogeographic history of an Antarctic adaptive radiation
TJ Near, A Dornburg, RC Harrington, C Oliveira, TW Pietsch, CE Thacker, ...
BMC evolutionary biology 15, 1-14, 2015
Molecular phylogeny and historical biogeography of West Indian boid snakes (Chilabothrus)
RG Reynolds, ML Niemiller, SB Hedges, A Dornburg, AR Puente-Rolón, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 68 (3), 461-470, 2013
The bowfin genome illuminates the developmental evolution of ray-finned fishes
AW Thompson, MB Hawkins, E Parey, DJ Wcisel, T Ota, K Kawasaki, ...
Nature Genetics 53 (9), 1373-1384, 2021
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