Raghava Rao Mukkamala
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Cited by
Declarative event-based workflow as distributed dynamic condition response graphs
TT Hildebrandt, RR Mukkamala
arXiv preprint arXiv:1110.4161, 2011
Regulating cryptocurrencies: a supervised machine learning approach to de-anonymizing the bitcoin blockchain
HH Sun Yin, K Langenheldt, M Harlev, RR Mukkamala, R Vatrapu
Journal of Management Information Systems 36 (1), 37-73, 2019
Blockchain-based personal health data sharing system using cloud storage
X Zheng, RR Mukkamala, R Vatrapu, J Ordieres-Mere
2018 IEEE 20th international conference on e-health networking, applications …, 2018
Breaking bad: De-anonymising entity types on the bitcoin blockchain using supervised machine learning
MA Harlev, H Sun Yin, KC Langenheldt, R Mukkamala, R Vatrapu
BPDIMS: A blockchain-based personal data and identity management system
B Faber, G Michelet, N Weidmann, RR Mukkamala, R Vatrapu
The 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. HISS 2019: HISS …, 2019
Blockchain-enabled decentralized identity management: The case of self-sovereign identity in public transportation
L Stockburger, G Kokosioulis, A Mukkamala, RR Mukkamala, M Avital
Blockchain: Research and Applications 2 (2), 100014, 2021
Accelerating health data sharing: A solution based on the internet of things and distributed ledger technologies
X Zheng, S Sun, RR Mukkamala, R Vatrapu, J Ordieres-Meré
Journal of medical Internet research 21 (6), e13583, 2019
Blockchain and artificial intelligence for 5G‐enabled Internet of Things: Challenges, opportunities, and solutions
A Dhar Dwivedi, R Singh, K Kaushik, R Rao Mukkamala, WS Alnumay
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 35 (4), e4329, 2024
Social set analysis: A set theoretical approach to big data analytics
R Vatrapu, RR Mukkamala, A Hussain, B Flesch
Ieee Access 4, 2542-2571, 2016
Sports digitalization: An overview and A research agenda
X Xiao, FTC Tan, ETK Lim, S Henningsson, R Vatrapu, J Hedman, ...
38th International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2017, 2018
Nested dynamic condition response graphs
T Hildebrandt, RR Mukkamala, T Slaats
International conference on fundamentals of software engineering, 343-350, 2011
Contracts for cross-organizational workflows as timed dynamic condition response graphs
T Hildebrandt, RR Mukkamala, T Slaats, F Zanitti
The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 82 (5-7), 164-185, 2013
Exformatics declarative case management workflows as DCR graphs
T Slaats, RR Mukkamala, T Hildebrandt, M Marquard
Business Process Management: 11th International Conference, BPM 2013 …, 2013
Privacy preserving authentication system based on non-interactive zero knowledge proof suitable for Internet of Things
AD Dwivedi, R Singh, U Ghosh, RR Mukkamala, A Tolba, O Said
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1-11, 2022
Towards blockchain-IoT based shared mobility: Car-sharing and leasing as a case study
S Auer, S Nagler, S Mazumdar, RR Mukkamala
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 200, 103316, 2022
Blockchain for social business: principles and applications
RR Mukkamala, R Vatrapu, PK Ray, G Sengupta, S Halder
IEEE Engineering Management Review 46 (4), 94-99, 2018
A Formal Model For Declarative Workflows: Dynamic Condition Response Graphs
RR Mukkamala
I T University of Copenhagen, 2012
An unstructured big data approach for country logistics performance assessment in global supply chains
A Kinra, KS Hald, RR Mukkamala, R Vatrapu
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 40 (4), 439-458, 2020
Facebook drives behavior of passive households in stock markets
M Siikanen, K Baltakys, J Kanniainen, R Vatrapu, R Mukkamala, ...
Finance Research Letters 27, 208-213, 2018
From paper based clinical practice guidelines to declarative workflow management
KM Lyng, T Hildebrandt, RR Mukkamala
International Conference on Business Process Management, 336-347, 2008
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Articles 1–20