Sandra Słowińska
Sandra Słowińska
Department of Geoecology and Climatology, Polish Academy of Sciences
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Cited by
Tipping point in plant–fungal interactions under severe drought causes abrupt rise in peatland ecosystem respiration
VEJ Jassey, MK Reczuga, M Zielińska, S Słowińska, BJM Robroek, ...
Global Change Biology 24 (3), 972-986, 2018
Seasonal changes in Sphagnum peatland testate amoeba communities along a hydrological gradient
K Marcisz, Ł Lamentowicz, S Słowińska, M Słowiński, W Muszak, ...
European Journal of Protistology 50 (5), 445-455, 2014
Estimating reference evapotranspiration using the FAO Penman-Monteith method for climatic conditions of Poland
L Łabędzki, E Kanecka-Geszke, B Bąk, S Słowińska
Evapotranspiration. Ed. L. Łabędzki. Rijeka. InTech, 275-294, 2011
Drought as a stress driver of ecological changes in peatland-A palaeoecological study of peatland development between 3500 BCE and 200 BCE in central Poland
M Słowiński, K Marcisz, M Płóciennik, M Obremska, D Pawłowski, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 461, 272-291, 2016
The influence of birch trees (Betula spp.) on soil environment–A review
J Jonczak, U Jankiewicz, M Kondras, B Kruczkowska, L Oktaba, J Oktaba, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 477, 118486, 2020
The impact of experimental temperature and water level manipulation on carbon dioxide release in a poor fen in Northern Poland
M Samson, S Słowińska, M Słowiński, M Lamentowicz, J Barabach, ...
Wetlands 38, 551-563, 2018
Combining short-term manipulative experiments with long-term palaeoecological investigations at high resolution to assess the response of Sphagnum peatlands to drought, fire …
M Lamentowicz, S Słowińska, M Słowiński, VEJ Jassey, BH Chojnicki, ...
Mires and Peat 18, 20, 2016
Predator–prey mass ratio drives microbial activity under dry conditions in Sphagnum peatlands
MK Reczuga, M Lamentowicz, M Mulot, EAD Mitchell, A Buttler, ...
Ecology and Evolution 8 (11), 5752-5764, 2018
L Labedzki
BoD–Books on Demand, 2011
Microclimate, an important part of ecology and biogeography
J Kemppinen, JJ Lembrechts, K Van Meerbeek, J Carnicer, NI Chardon, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 33 (6), e13834, 2024
Relationships between Local Climate and Hydrology in Sphagnum Mire: Implications for Palaeohydrological Studies and Ecosystem Management.
S Słowińska, M Słowiński, M Lamentowicz
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 19 (4), 2010
Long-term microclimate study of a peatland in Central Europe to understand microrefugia
S Słowińska, M Słowiński, K Marcisz, M Lamentowicz
International Journal of Biometeorology 66 (4), 817-832, 2022
Assessing the responses of Sphagnum micro-eukaryotes to climate changes using high throughput sequencing
MK Reczuga, CVW Seppey, M Mulot, VEJ Jassey, A Buttler, S Słowińska, ...
PeerJ 8, e9821, 2020
Ecohydrological changes and resilience of a shallow lake ecosystem under intense human pressure and recent climate change
A Bartczak, S Słowińska, S Tyszkowski, M Kramkowski, H Kaczmarek, ...
Water 11 (1), 32, 2018
Stages of soil development in the coastal zone of a disappearing lake—a case study from central Poland
B Kruczkowska, J Jonczak, S Słowińska, A Bartczak, M Kramkowski, ...
Journal of Soils and Sediments 21, 1420-1436, 2021
Dynamics of fungal community structure in a silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) succession chronosequence on poor-quality post-arable soil
A Chojnacka, J Jonczak, L Oktaba, E Pawłowicz, E Regulska, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 342, 108225, 2023
Relacje między czynnikami meteorologicznymi i hydrologią małego torfowiska mszarnego na Pomorzu
S Hałas, M Słowiński, M Lamentowicz
Studia Limnologica et Telmatologica 2 (1), 15-26, 2008
Soil organic matter transformation influenced by silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) succession on abandoned from agricultural production sandy soil
J Jonczak, L Oktaba, E Pawłowicz, A Chojnacka, E Regulska, ...
European Journal of Forest Research 142 (2), 367-379, 2023
Relationships between local climate and hydrology in a small Sphagnum mire in northern Poland: implications for ecosystem management and palaeohydrological studies
S Słowińska, M Słowiński, M Lamentowicz
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 19 (4), 779-787, 2010
Nutrient fluxes via litterfall in silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) stands growing on post-arable soils
J Jonczak, L Oktaba, A Chojnacka, E Pawłowicz, B Kruczkowska, ...
European Journal of Forest Research 142 (5), 981-996, 2023
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