Lauren J.N. Brent
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Cited by
The evolution of self-control
EL MacLean, B Hare, CL Nunn, E Addessi, F Amici, RC Anderson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (20), E2140-E2148, 2014
Ecological knowledge, leadership, and the evolution of menopause in killer whales
LJN Brent, DW Franks, EA Foster, KC Balcomb, MA Cant, DP Croft
Current biology 25 (6), 746-750, 2015
Fitness benefits of coalitionary aggression in male chimpanzees
IC Gilby, LJN Brent, EE Wroblewski, RS Rudicell, BH Hahn, J Goodall, ...
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67, 373-381, 2013
Genetic origins of social networks in rhesus macaques
LJN Brent, SR Heilbronner, JE Horvath, J Gonzalez-Martinez, ...
Scientific reports 3 (1), 1042, 2013
Friends of friends: are indirect connections in social networks important to animal behaviour?
LJN Brent
Animal behaviour 103, 211-222, 2015
The evolution of prolonged life after reproduction
DP Croft, LJN Brent, DW Franks, MA Cant
Trends in ecology & evolution 30 (7), 407-416, 2015
Neuroethology of primate social behavior
SWC Chang, LJN Brent, GK Adams, JT Klein, JM Pearson, KK Watson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (supplement_2), 10387-10394, 2013
The neuroethology of friendship
LJN Brent, SWC Chang, JF Gariépy, ML Platt
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2014
Social capital and physiological stress levels in free-ranging adult female rhesus macaques
LJN Brent, S Semple, C Dubuc, M Heistermann, A MacLarnon
Physiology & behavior 102 (1), 76-83, 2011
Evaluating anthropogenic threats to endangered killer whales to inform effective recovery plans
RC Lacy, R Williams, E Ashe, KC Balcomb III, LJN Brent, CW Clark, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 14119, 2017
Sexual Skin Color Contains Information About the Timing of the Fertile Phase in Free-ranging Macaca mulatta
C Dubuc, LJN Brent, AK Accamando, MS Gerald, A MacLarnon, S Semple, ...
International Journal of Primatology 30, 777-789, 2009
Deconstructing sociality: the types of social connections that predict longevity in a group-living primate
S Ellis, N Snyder-Mackler, A Ruiz-Lambides, ML Platt, LJN Brent
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1917), 20191991, 2019
Reproductive conflict and the evolution of menopause in killer whales
DP Croft, RA Johnstone, S Ellis, S Nattrass, DW Franks, LJN Brent, ...
Current Biology 27 (2), 298-304, 2017
Family network size and survival across the lifespan of female macaques
LJN Brent, A Ruiz-Lambides, ML Platt
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1854), 20170515, 2017
Social network analysis in the study of nonhuman primates: A historical perspective
LJN Brent, J Lehmann, G Ramos‐Fernández
American Journal of Primatology 73 (8), 720-730, 2011
The social network structure of a dynamic group of dairy cows: From individual to group level patterns
NK Boyland, DT Mlynski, R James, LJN Brent, DP Croft
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 174, 1-10, 2016
Genetic variance in fitness indicates rapid contemporary adaptive evolution in wild animals
T Bonnet, MB Morrissey, P De Villemereuil, SC Alberts, P Arcese, ...
Science 376 (6596), 1012-1016, 2022
Seasonal changes in the structure of rhesus macaque social networks
LJN Brent, A MacLarnon, ML Platt, S Semple
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 67, 349-359, 2013
Personality Traits in Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta) Are Heritable but Do Not Predict Reproductive Output
LJN Brent, S Semple, A MacLarnon, A Ruiz-Lambides, ...
International Journal of Primatology, 1-22, 2014
Familiarity affects the assessment of female facial signals of fertility by free-ranging male rhesus macaques
JP Higham, KD Hughes, LJN Brent, C Dubuc, A Engelhardt, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 278 (1723), 3452-3458, 2011
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Articles 1–20