Iain S. Weaver
Cited by
Cited by
The emergence of environmental homeostasis in complex ecosystems
JG Dyke, IS Weaver
PLoS computational biology 9 (5), e1003050, 2013
Dynamic social media affiliations among UK politicians
IS Weaver, H Williams, I Cioroianu, M Williams, T Coan, S Banducci
Social networks 54, 132-144, 2018
Ideological biases in social sharing of online information about climate change
TJB Cann, IS Weaver, HTP Williams
Plos one 16 (4), e0250656, 2021
The importance of timescales for the emergence of environmental self-regulation
IS Weaver, JG Dyke
Journal of Theoretical Biology 313, 172-180, 2012
Communities of online news exposure during the UK General Election 2015
IS Weaver, H Williams, I Cioroianu, L Jasney, T Coan, S Banducci
Online Social Networks and Media 10, 18-30, 2019
Preferential attachment in randomly grown networks
IS Weaver
Unpublished, 2012
A social Beaufort scale to detect high winds using language in social media posts
IS Weaver, HTP Williams, R Arthur
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 3647, 2021
Is it correct to project and detect? Assessing performance of community detection on unipartite projections of bipartite networks
TJB Cann, IS Weaver, HTP Williams
Complex Networks and Their Applications VII: Volume 1 Proceedings The 7th …, 2019
Can the principle of Maximum Entropy Production be used to predict the steady states of a Rayleigh-Bérnard convective system?
I Weaver, JG Dyke, K Oliver
Beyond the Second Law: Entropy Production and Non-Equilibrium Systems, 277-290, 2014
Is it correct to project and detect? How weighting unipartite projections influences community detection
TJB Cann, IS Weaver, HTP Williams
Network Science 8 (S1), S145-S163, 2020
Sponsored messaging about climate change on Facebook: Actors, content, frames
I Weaver, N Westwood, T Coan, S O'Neill, HTP Williams
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.13965, 2022
To Polarize or Not: Comparing Networks of News Consumption
S Banducci, L Jasny, I Cioroianu, TG Coan, DP Stevens, IS Weaver, ...
Donau-Universität Krems, 2018
Renormalization group approach to 1D cellular automata with large updating neighborhoods
IS Weaver, A Prügel‐Bennett
Complexity 21 (1), 206-213, 2015
Macroscopic principles for the self-organisation of complex ecosystems
I Weaver
University of Southampton, 2015
Tipping points in complex coupled life-environment systems
IS Weaver, JG Dyke
To Polarize or Not: Comparing Networks of News Consumption
I Cioroianu, S Banducci, L Jasny, I Weaver, HTP Williams, T Coan
CeDEM Asia 2018: Proceedings of the International Conference for E-Democracy …, 2018
Early warning signals in complex ecosystems
IS Weaver, JG Dyke
Earth System Dynamics Discussions 6 (2), 2507-2542, 2015
A novel approach to analysing fixed points in complex systems
IS Weaver, JG Dyke
Proceedings of the European Conference on Complex Systems 2012, 523-533, 2013
Supporting information to Ideological biases in social sharing of online information about climate change
TJB Cann, IS Weaver, HTP Williams
Cascading Transitions in Coupled Complex Ecosystems
IS Weaver
Artificial Life Conference Proceedings, 612-619, 2015
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Articles 1–20