Isobel Booksmythe
Cited by
Cited by
Facultative adjustment of the offspring sex ratio and male attractiveness: a systematic review and meta‐analysis
I Booksmythe, B Mautz, J Davis, S Nakagawa, MD Jennions
Biological Reviews 92 (1), 108-134, 2017
Investigating the ‘dear enemy’phenomenon in the territory defence of the fiddler crab, Uca mjoebergi
I Booksmythe, MD Jennions, PRY Backwell
Animal Behaviour 79 (2), 419-423, 2010
Female fiddler crabs settle for less: the travel costs of mate choice
I Booksmythe, T Detto, PRY Backwell
Animal Behaviour 76 (6), 1775-1781, 2008
Daphnia invest in sexual reproduction when its relative costs are reduced
N Gerber, H Kokko, D Ebert, I Booksmythe
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285 (1871), 20172176, 2018
The battle of the sexes? Territory acquisition and defence in male and female fiddler crabs
RNC Milner, I Booksmythe, MD Jennions, PRY Backwell
Animal Behaviour 79 (3), 735-738, 2010
Fitness consequences of artificial selection on relative male genital size
I Booksmythe, ML Head, JS Keogh, MD Jennions
Nature Communications 7 (1), 11597, 2016
Sex ratio bias leads to the evolution of sex role reversal in honey locust beetles
K Fritzsche, I Booksmythe, G Arnqvist
Current Biology 26 (18), 2522-2526, 2016
Mate guarding and frequent copulation in birds: a meta-analysis of their relationship to paternity and male phenotype
AMF Harts, I Booksmythe, MD Jennions
Evolution 70 (12), 2789-2808, 2016
Sex differences in local adaptation: what can we learn from reciprocal transplant experiments?
EI Svensson, D Goedert, MA Gómez-Llano, F Spagopoulou, ...
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological sciences 373 …, 2018
Interspecific assistance: fiddler crabs help heterospecific neighbours in territory defence
I Booksmythe, MD Jennions, PRY Backwell
Biology Letters 6 (6), 748-750, 2010
Daphnia females adjust sex allocation in response to current sex ratio and density
I Booksmythe, N Gerber, D Ebert, H Kokko
Ecology letters 21 (5), 629-637, 2018
Mate‐sampling costs and sexy sons
H Kokko, I Booksmythe, MD Jennions
Journal of evolutionary biology 28 (1), 259-266, 2015
Male fiddler crabs prefer conspecific females during simultaneous, but not sequential, mate choice
I Booksmythe, MD Jennions, PRY Backwell
Animal Behaviour 81 (4), 775-778, 2011
Competitor size, male mating success and mate choice in eastern mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki
I Booksmythe, PRY Backwell, MD Jennions
Animal Behaviour 85 (2), 371-375, 2013
Causality and sex roles: prejudice against patterns? A reply to Ah-King
H Kokko, I Booksmythe, MD Jennions
Trends in ecology & evolution 28 (1), 2-4, 2013
Artificial selection on male genitalia length alters female brain size
SD Buechel, I Booksmythe, A Kotrschal, MD Jennions, N Kolm
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1843), 20161796, 2016
How do weaponless male fiddler crabs avoid aggression?
I Booksmythe, RNC Milner, MD Jennions, PRY Backwell
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64, 485-491, 2010
Sexual dimorphism in phenotypic plasticity and persistence under environmental change: An extension of theory and meta‐analysis of current data
S Hangartner, CM Sgrò, T Connallon, I Booksmythe
Ecology Letters 25 (6), 1550-1565, 2022
The measurement of sexual selection on females and males
K Fritzsche, I Booksmythe
Current Zoology 59 (4), 558-563, 2013
The complex interplay of sex allocation and sexual selection
I Booksmythe, LE Schwanz, H Kokko
Evolution 67 (3), 673-678, 2013
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Articles 1–20