marco marchetti
marco marchetti
Professore ordinario, DiBT - Università degli Studi del Molise
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Cited by
Climate change impacts, adaptive capacity, and vulnerability of European forest ecosystems
M Lindner, M Maroschek, S Netherer, A Kremer, A Barbati, ...
Forest ecology and management 259 (4), 698-709, 2010
Making Byzantine fault tolerant systems tolerate Byzantine faults
A Clement, E Wong, L Alvisi, M Dahlin, M Marchetti
Proceedings of the 6th USENIX symposium on Networked systems design and …, 2009
Sampling methods, remote sensing and GIS multiresource forest inventory
M Köhl, S Magnussen, M Marchetti
Springer, 2006
On the effectiveness of machine and deep learning for cyber security
G Apruzzese, M Colajanni, L Ferretti, A Guido, M Marchetti
2018 10th international conference on cyber Conflict (CyCon), 371-390, 2018
Assessing habitat quality in relation to the spatial distribution of protected areas in Italy
L Sallustio, A De Toni, A Strollo, M Di Febbraro, E Gissi, L Casella, ...
Journal of environmental management 201, 129-137, 2017
Reviewing the science and implementation of climate change adaptation measures in European forestry
M Kolström, M Lindner, T Vilén, M Maroschek, R Seidl, MJ Lexer, ...
Forests 2 (4), 961-982, 2011
Anomaly detection of CAN bus messages through analysis of ID sequences
M Marchetti, D Stabili
2017 IEEE intelligent vehicles symposium (IV), 1577-1583, 2017
European Forest Types and Forest Europe SFM indicators: Tools for monitoring progress on forest biodiversity conservation
A Barbati, M Marchetti, G Chirici, P Corona
Forest Ecology and Management 321, 145-157, 2014
Regulating ecosystem services of forests in ten Italian metropolitan cities: air quality improvement by PM10 and O3 removal
F Manes, F Marando, G Capotorti, C Blasi, E Salvatori, L Fusaro, ...
Ecological indicators 67, 425-440, 2016
Analysis of high volumes of network traffic for advanced persistent threat detection
M Marchetti, F Pierazzi, M Colajanni, A Guido
Computer Networks 109, 127-141, 2016
Evaluation of anomaly detection for in-vehicle networks through information-theoretic algorithms
M Marchetti, D Stabili, A Guido, M Colajanni
2016 IEEE 2nd International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society …, 2016
Impacts of climate change on European forests and options for adaptation
M Lindner, J Garcia-Gonzalo, M Kolström, T Green, R Reguera, ...
Report to the European Commission Directorate-General for Agriculture and …, 2008
The impact of selective logging and clearcutting on forest structure, tree diversity and above-ground biomass of African tropical forests
R Cazzolla Gatti, S Castaldi, JA Lindsell, DA Coomes, M Marchetti, ...
Ecological research 30, 119-132, 2015
Non-parametric and parametric methods using satellite images for estimating growing stock volume in alpine and Mediterranean forest ecosystems
G Chirici, A Barbati, P Corona, M Marchetti, D Travaglini, F Maselli, ...
Remote sensing of Environment 112 (5), 2686-2700, 2008
The flaming sandpile: self-organized criticality and wildfires
C Ricotta, G Avena, M Marchetti
Ecological Modelling 119 (1), 73-77, 1999
READ: Reverse engineering of automotive data frames
M Marchetti, D Stabili
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 14 (4), 1083-1097, 2018
Addressing adversarial attacks against security systems based on machine learning
G Apruzzese, M Colajanni, L Ferretti, M Marchetti
2019 11th international conference on cyber conflict (CyCon) 900, 1-18, 2019
How sensitive are ecosystem services in European forest landscapes to silvicultural treatment?
P Biber, JG Borges, R Moshammer, S Barreiro, B Botequim, ...
Forests 6 (5), 1666-1695, 2015
A forest typology for monitoring sustainable forest management: the case of European forest types
A Barbati, P Corona, M Marchetti
Plant Biosystems 141 (1), 93-103, 2007
Remineralization and repair of enamel surface by biomimetic Zn-carbonate hydroxyapatite containing toothpaste: a comparative in vivo study
M Lelli, A Putignano, M Marchetti, I Foltran, F Mangani, M Procaccini, ...
Frontiers in physiology 5, 333, 2014
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Articles 1–20