Matias Portflitt-Toro
Matias Portflitt-Toro
Universidad Católica del Norte, Millennium Nucleus Ecology and Sustainable Management of Oceanic
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Impacts of marine plastic pollution from continental coasts to subtropical gyres—fish, seabirds, and other vertebrates in the SE Pacific
M Thiel, G Luna-Jorquera, R Álvarez-Varas, C Gallardo, IA Hinojosa, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 238, 2018
Marine protected areas invaded by floating anthropogenic litter: an example from the South Pacific
G Luna‐Jorquera, M Thiel, M Portflitt‐Toro, B Dewitte
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29, 245-259, 2019
Environmental drivers of seabird at-sea distribution in the Eastern South Pacific Ocean: assemblage composition across a longitudinal productivity gradient
J Serratosa, KD Hyrenbach, D Miranda-Urbina, M Portflitt-Toro, N Luna, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 838, 2020
Factors (type, colour, density, and shape) determining the removal of marine plastic debris by seabirds from the South Pacific Ocean: Is there a pattern?
V Hidalgo‐Ruz, G Luna‐Jorquera, M Eriksen, H Frick, D Miranda‐Urbina, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 2021
A country's response to tackling plastic pollution in aquatic ecosystems: The Chilean way
MA Urbina, G Luna‐Jorquera, M Thiel, T Acuña‐Ruz, MA Amenábar Cristi, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 2021
Spatial and temporal patterns of beached seabirds along the Chilean coast: linking mortalities with commercial fisheries
A Simeone, C Anguita, M Daigre, P Arce, R Vega, G Luna-Jorquera, ...
Biological Conservation 256, 109026, 2021
National trends in the biodiversity interest in digital media
A Chevallier, F González-Roca, M Portflitt-Toro, JA Fortt, N Luna, O Cerda, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 101, 106-115, 2019
Breeding of the South American tern (Sterna hirundinacea) on anchored boats in Coquimbo, northern Chile
M Portflitt-Toro, D Miranda-Urbina, C Fernández, N Luna, P Plaza, ...
Ornitología Neotropical 29, 187-191, 2018
Aves marinas varadas en la bahía de Coquimbo, norte de Chile:¿ Qué especies y cuántas mueren?
M Portflitt-Toro, D Miranda-Urbina, G Luna-Jorquera
Revista de biología marina y oceanografía 53 (2), 185-193, 2018
The role of island physiography and oceanographic factors in shaping species richness and turnover of nesting seabird assemblages on islands across the south‐eastern Pacific
JB Gusmao, G Luna‐Jorquera, C Fernández, N Luna, P Plaza, ...
Journal of Biogeography, 2020
Foraging ranges of humboldt penguins Spheniscus humboldti from tilgo island: The critical need for protecting a unique marine habitat
R Quispe, M Lerma, N Luna, M Portflitt-Toro, J Serratosa, ...
Marine Ornithology 48, 205-208, 2020
Breeding abundance and population trend of the Peruvian Diving-petrel Pelecanoides garnotii in Chile: Recovery of an endangered seabird?
CE Fernández, M Portflitt-Toro, D Miranda-Urbina, P Plaza, N Luna, ...
Bird Conservation International, 1-11, 2019
Specimen record confirms Broad-billed Prion Pachyptila vittata presence in Chilean waters
M Portflitt-Toro, D Miranda-Urbina, G Luna-Jorquera
Marine Ornithology 46, 69-70, 2018
Vagrant Antarctic fur seal, Arctocephalus gazella, in northern Chile
D Miranda-Urbina, M Portflitt-Toro, J Serratosa, G Luna-Jorquera
Polar Biology 38, 1311-1314, 2015
Interacciones sociales de aves granívoras silvestres frente a comederos experimentales en el matorral semiárido del norte de Chile
M Portflitt-Toro, R Quispe, CP Villavicencio
Gayana (Concepción) 86 (2), 47-53, 2022
Impacts of marine plastic pollution from continental coasts to subtropical gyres—fish, seabirds, and other vertebrates in the SE Pacific
N Luna, N Ory, D Miranda-Urbina, N Morales, IA Hinojosa, C Zavalaga, ...
Frontiers, 2018
Análisis bibliométrico de la Revista Chilena de Ornitología (Boletín Chileno de Ornitología): tendencias y avances en 23 años de historia
M Portflitt-Toro
Revista Chilena de Ornitología 23 (2), 94-102, 2017
Corticosterone levels, leukocyte profiles, and foraging and diving behaviours of Humboldt penguins during chick rearing in Northern Chile
M Lerma, CP Villavicencio, N Luna, M Portflitt-Toro, J Serratosa, ...
Emu-Austral Ornithology 123 (1), 71-78, 2023
Social interactions of wild granivorous birds towards experimental feeders in the semi-arid scrub of northern Chile
M Portflitt-Toro, R Quispe, CP Villavicencio
GAYANA 86 (2), 47-53, 2023
A country's response to tackling plastic pollution in aquatic ecosystems: The Chilean way
M Thiel, G Luna Jorquera, C Duarte, A Chevallier, C Andrade, J Pulgar, ...
Wiley, 2021
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Articles 1–20