Gabriel Jorda
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Mediterranean seagrass vulnerable to regional climate warming
G Jordā, N Marbā, CM Duarte
Nature climate change 2 (11), 821-824, 2012
MED-CORDEX initiative for Mediterranean climate studies
PM Ruti, S Somot, F Giorgi, C Dubois, E Flaounas, A Obermann, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 97 (7), 1187-1208, 2016
Mediterranean Sea response to climate change in an ensemble of twenty first century scenarios
F Adloff, S Somot, F Sevault, G Jordā, R Aznar, M Déqué, M Herrmann, ...
Climate Dynamics 45, 2775-2802, 2015
Footprints of climate change on Mediterranean Sea biota
N Marbā, G Jordā, S Agustí, C Girard, CM Duarte
Frontiers in Marine Science 2, 56, 2015
Numerical simulation of atmospheric Lamb waves generated by the 2022 Hunga‐Tonga volcanic eruption
A Amores, S Monserrat, M Marcos, D Argüeso, J Villalonga, G Jordā, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 49 (6), e2022GL098240, 2022
Up to what extent can we characterize ocean eddies using present‐day gridded altimetric products?
A Amores, G Jordā, T Arsouze, J Le Sommer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 123 (10), 7220-7236, 2018
Changes in storm surges in southern Europe from a regional model under climate change scenarios
M Marcos, G Jordā, D Gomis, B Pérez
Global and Planetary Change 77 (3-4), 116-128, 2011
Evolution of Mediterranean Sea water properties under climate change scenarios in the Med-CORDEX ensemble
J Soto-Navarro, G Jordá, Á Amores, W Cabos, S Somot, F Sevault, ...
Climate Dynamics 54, 2135-2165, 2020
The climate of the Mediterranean region in future climate projections
S Planton, P Lionello, V Artale, R Aznar, A Carrillo, J Colin, L Congedi, ...
The effect of the NAO on sea level and on mass changes in the Mediterranean Sea
MN Tsimplis, FM Calafat, M Marcos, G Jordá, D Gomis, L Fenoglio‐Marc, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 118 (2), 944-952, 2013
The XIOM: 20 years of a regional coastal observatory in the Spanish Catalan coast
R Bolanos, G Jorda, J Cateura, J Lopez, J Puigdefabregas, J Gomez, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 77 (3), 237-260, 2009
A management system for accidental water pollution risk in a harbour: the Barcelona case study
M Grifoll, G Jordā, M Espino, J Romo, M García-Sotillo
Journal of Marine Systems 88 (1), 60-73, 2011
Ocean warming compresses the three-dimensional habitat of marine life
G Jorda, N Marbā, S Bennett, J Santana-Garcon, S Agusti, CM Duarte
Nature Ecology & Evolution 4 (1), 109-114, 2020
Particle fluxes dynamics in Blanes submarine canyon (Northwestern Mediterranean)
D Zúņiga, MM Flexas, A Sanchez-Vidal, J Coenjaerts, A Calafat, G Jordā, ...
Progress in Oceanography 82 (4), 239-251, 2009
A field study of the behaviour of an anticyclonic eddy on the Catalan continental shelf (NW Mediterranean)
A Rubio, PA Arnau, M Espino, M del Mar Flexas, G Jorda, J Salat, ...
Progress in Oceanography 66 (2-4), 142-156, 2005
Relationship between environment and the occurrence of the deep-water rose shrimp Aristeus antennatus (Risso, 1816) in the Blanes submarine canyon (NW Mediterranean)
F Sardā, JB Company, N Bahamón, G Rotllant, MM Flexas, JD Sánchez, ...
Progress in Oceanography 82 (4), 227-238, 2009
Thermal tolerance of Mediterranean marine macrophytes: Vulnerability to global warming
I Savva, S Bennett, G Roca, G Jordā, N Marbā
Ecology and Evolution 8 (23), 12032-12043, 2018
Boat anchoring impacts coastal populations of the pen shell, the largest bivalve in the Mediterranean
IE Hendriks, S Tenan, G Tavecchia, N Marbā, G Jordā, S Deudero, ...
Biological Conservation 160, 105-113, 2013
A new risk assessment method for water quality degradation in harbour domains, using hydrodynamic models
M Grifoll, G Jordā, Á Borja, M Espino
Marine pollution bulletin 60 (1), 69-78, 2010
The Mediterranean Sea heat and mass budgets: Estimates, uncertainties and perspectives
G Jordá, K Von Schuckmann, SA Josey, G Caniaux, J García-Lafuente, ...
Progress in Oceanography 156, 174-208, 2017
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Articles 1–20