Carl Morrow
Carl Morrow
TASK Phages
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Cited by
Microbial nitrogen limitation increases decomposition
JM Craine, C Morrow, N Fierer
Ecology 88 (8), 2105-2113, 2007
Nutrient concentration ratios and co‐limitation in South African grasslands
JM Craine, C Morrow, WD Stock
New Phytologist 179 (3), 829-836, 2008
Social mixing patterns within a South African township community: implications for respiratory disease transmission and control
SP Johnstone-Robertson, D Mark, C Morrow, K Middelkoop, M Chiswell, ...
American journal of epidemiology 174 (11), 1246-1255, 2011
Integrating social contact and environmental data in evaluating tuberculosis transmission in a South African township
JR Andrews, C Morrow, RP Walensky, R Wood
The journal of infectious diseases 210 (4), 597-603, 2014
Modeling the role of public transportation in sustaining tuberculosis transmission in South Africa
JR Andrews, C Morrow, R Wood
American journal of epidemiology 177 (6), 556-561, 2013
RISK6, a 6-gene transcriptomic signature of TB disease risk, diagnosis and treatment response
A Penn-Nicholson, SK Mbandi, E Thompson, SC Mendelsohn, S Suliman, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 8629, 2020
Shared air: a renewed focus on ventilation for the prevention of tuberculosis transmission
ET Richardson, CD Morrow, DB Kalil, LG Bekker, R Wood
PloS one 9 (5), e96334, 2014
Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacilli in bio-aerosols from untreated TB patients
B Patterson, C Morrow, V Singh, A Moosa, M Gqada, J Woodward, ...
Gates open research 1, 11, 2018
Antiretroviral therapy and TB notification rates in a high HIV prevalence South African community
K Middelkoop, LG Bekker, L Myer, LF Johnson, M Kloos, C Morrow, ...
JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 56 (3), 263-269, 2011
Indoor social networks in a South African township: potential contribution of location to tuberculosis transmission
R Wood, K Racow, LG Bekker, C Morrow, K Middelkoop, D Mark, ...
PLoS One 7 (6), e39246, 2012
Childhood tuberculosis infection and disease: a spatial and temporal transmission analysis in a South African township
K Middelkoop, LG Bekker, C Morrow, E Zwane, R Wood
South African medical journal 99 (10), 2009
Social contact patterns and implications for infectious disease transmission–a systematic review and meta-analysis of contact surveys
A Mousa, P Winskill, OJ Watson, O Ratmann, M Monod, M Ajelli, A Diallo, ...
Elife 10, e70294, 2021
Quantification of shared air: a social and environmental determinant of airborne disease transmission
R Wood, C Morrow, S Ginsberg, E Piccoli, D Kalil, A Sassi, RP Walensky, ...
PloS one 9 (9), e106622, 2014
Decreasing household contribution to TB transmission with age: a retrospective geographic analysis of young people in a South African township
K Middelkoop, LG Bekker, C Morrow, N Lee, R Wood
BMC infectious diseases 14, 1-7, 2014
Molecular Epidemiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a South African Community with High HIV Prevalence
K Middelkoop, LG Bekker, B Mathema, E Shashkina, N Kurepina, ...
The Journal of infectious diseases 200 (8), 1207-1211, 2009
Grazing and landscape controls on nitrogen availability across 330 South African savanna sites
JM Craine, F Ballantyne, M Peel, N Zambatis, C Morrow, WD Stock
Austral Ecology 34 (7), 731-740, 2009
Delays in starting antiretroviral therapy in patients with HIV-associated tuberculosis accessing non-integrated clinical services in a South African township
SD Lawn, L Campbell, R Kaplan, F Little, C Morrow, R Wood, ...
BMC infectious diseases 11, 1-9, 2011
Real-time investigation of tuberculosis transmission: developing the respiratory aerosol sampling chamber (RASC)
R Wood, C Morrow, CE Barry III, WA Bryden, CJ Call, AJ Hickey, ...
PloS one 11 (1), e0146658, 2016
Tuberculosis transmission in public locations in Tanzania: A novel approach to studying airborne disease transmission
J Hella, C Morrow, F Mhimbira, S Ginsberg, N Chitnis, S Gagneux, ...
Journal of infection 75 (3), 191-197, 2017
Capture and visualization of live Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacilli from tuberculosis patient bioaerosols
R Dinkele, S Gessner, A McKerry, B Leonard, R Seldon, AS Koch, ...
PLoS Pathogens 17 (2), e1009262, 2021
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Articles 1–20