Shannon Meadley Dunphy
Shannon Meadley Dunphy
Department of Biology, McGill University
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Mutualism between co-introduced species facilitates invasion and alters plant community structure
KM Prior, JM Robinson, SA Meadley Dunphy, ME Frederickson
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1800), 20142846, 2015
An invasive slug exploits an ant-seed dispersal mutualism
SA Meadley Dunphy, KM Prior, ME Frederickson
Oecologia 181, 149-159, 2016
Invasive ants disperse seeds farther than native ants, affecting the spatial pattern of seedling recruitment and survival
SA Meadley-Dunphy, KM Prior, ME Frederickson
Oecologia 192 (1), 119-132, 2020
Asynchrony between ant seed dispersal activity and fruit dehiscence of myrmecochorous plants
SCC Gordon, SA Meadley‐Dunphy, KM Prior, ME Frederickson
American Journal of Botany 106 (1), 71-80, 2019
The arthropod associates of 155 North American cynipid oak galls
AKG Ward, RW Busbee, RA Chen, CK Davis, AL Driscoe, SP Egan, ...
Zoological studies 61, 2022
Interactions between seed‐dispersing ant species affect plant community composition in field mesocosms
KM Prior, SA Meadley‐Dunphy, ME Frederickson
Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (11), 2485-2495, 2020
Host–enemy interactions provide limited biotic resistance for a range‐expanding species via reduced apparent competition
KM Prior, DG Jones, SA Meadley‐Dunphy, S Lee, AK Milks, S Daughton, ...
Diversity and Distributions 29 (11), 1355-1370, 2023
The invasive European fire ant forms distinct genetic populations in urban and parkland Toronto (Canada)
SA Meadley-Dunphy, PJG Malé, LM Sherin, ME Frederickson
Biological Invasions 26 (5), 1581-1593, 2024
Altered host-parasitoid networks facilitate ecological release in a range-expanding species
K Prior, SA Meadley-Dunphy, DG Jones, S Lee, THQ Powell
2019 ESA Annual Meeting (August 11--16), 2019
The Ecological and Population Genetic Consequences of Invasion by the European Fire Ant, Myrmica rubra, in Ontario
SM Dunphy
University of Toronto (Canada), 2016
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Articles 1–10