Mohammed Yousef AlQaradawi
Cited by
Cited by
Benchmark of nanoparticle tracking analysis on measuring nanoparticle sizing and concentration
CM Maguire, K Sillence, M Roesslein, C Hannell, G Suarez, JJ Sauvain, ...
Journal of Micro-and Nano-Manufacturing 5 (4), 041002, 2017
Three dimensional computational study for spiral dry gas seal with constant groove depth and different tapered grooves
I Shahin, M Gadala, M Alqaradawi, O Badr
Procedia Engineering 68, 205-212, 2013
Optimization of the efficiency of stall control using air injection for centrifugal compressors
T Halawa, MS Gadala, M Alqaradawi, O Badr
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 137 (7), 072604, 2015
Autonomous vehicles between anticipation and apprehension: Investigations through safety and security perceptions
Q Hussain, WKM Alhajyaseen, M Adnan, M Almallah, A Almukdad, ...
Transport policy 110, 440-451, 2021
Guided ultrasonic wave tomography of a pipe bend exposed to environmental conditions: A long-term monitoring experiment
F Simonetti, MY Alqaradawi
Ndt & E International 105, 1-10, 2019
A robust modification to the universal cavitation algorithm in journal bearings
M Miraskari, F Hemmati, A Jalali, MY Alqaradawi, MS Gadala
Journal of Tribology 139 (3), 031703, 2017
Effects of high frequency drive speed modulation on rotor with continuous stator contact
A AlZibdeh, M AlQaradawi, B Balachandran
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 131, 559-571, 2017
Large eddy simulation for a deep surge cycle in a high-speed centrifugal compressor with vaned diffuser
I Shahin, M Gadala, M Alqaradawi, O Badr
Journal of Turbomachinery 137 (10), 101007, 2015
Rolling element bearing fault diagnostics using acoustic emission technique and advanced signal processing
F Hemmati, M Alqaradawi, MS Gadala
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of …, 2016
Numerical investigation of rotating stall in centrifugal compressor with vaned and vaneless diffuser
T Halawa, M Alqaradawi, MS Gadala, I Shahin, O Badr
Journal of thermal science 24, 323-333, 2015
Unsteady CFD simulation for high speed centrifugal compressor operating near surge
I Shahin, M Gadala, M Alqaradawi, O Badr
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 45639, V02DT44A045, 2014
Centrifugal compressor spiral dry gas seal simulation working at reverse rotation
I Shahin, M Gadala, M Alqaradawi, O Badr
Procedia Engineering 68, 285-292, 2013
On the aero acoustic and internal flows structure in a centrifugal compressor with hub side cavity operating at off design condition
I Shahin, M Alqaradawi, M Gadala, O Badr
Aerospace Science and Technology 60, 68-83, 2017
Large eddy simulation of surge inception and active surge control in a high speed centrifugal compressor with a vaned diffuser
I Shahin, M Alqaradawi, M Gadala, O Badr
Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (23-24), 10404-10418, 2016
Linear stability analysis of finite length journal bearings in laminar and turbulent regimes
M Miraskari, F Hemmati, MY Alqaradawi, MS Gadala
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of …, 2017
Influence of Changing Casing Groove Parameters on the Performance of Centrifugal Compressors near Stall Condition
A Halawa
ASME journal of Fluids engineering, 2015
Numerical investigation of rotating stall characteristics and active stall control in centrifugal compressors
T Halawa, M Alqaradawi, O Badr, MS Gadala
ASME Power Conference 46094, V002T11A002, 2014
Optimized statistical parameters of acoustic emission signals for monitoring of rolling element bearings
F Hemmati, M Alqaradawi, MS Gadala
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of …, 2016
Numerical simulation of stall development into surge and stall control using air injection in centrifugal compressors
T Halawa, M Alqaradawi, O Badr, MS Gadala
ASME Power Conference 46094, V002T11A003, 2014
Numerical investigation of steady air injection flow to control rotating stall in centrifugal compressors
T Halawa, M Alqaradawi, O Badr, MS Gadala
Engineering Systems Design and Analysis 45844, V002T11A025, 2014
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Articles 1–20