Kim Præbel
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Cited by
Ecological speciation in postglacial E uropean whitefish: rapid adaptive radiations into the littoral, pelagic, and profundal lake habitats
K Præbel, R Knudsen, A Siwertsson, M Karhunen, KK Kahilainen, ...
Ecology and evolution 3 (15), 4970-4986, 2013
Sympatric diversification as influenced by ecological opportunity and historical contingency in a young species lineage of whitefish
A Siwertsson, R Knudsen, K Kahilainen, K Præbel, R Primicerio, ...
Evolutionary Ecology, 2010
Space-time dynamics in monitoring neotropical fish communities using eDNA metabarcoding
SM NG Sales, OS Wangensteen, DC Carvalho, K Deiner, K Præbel, I Coscia, A ...
Science of The Total Environment 754, 142096, 2021
From metabarcoding to metaphylogeography: separating the wheat from the chaff
X Turon, A Antich, C Palacín, K Præbel, OS Wangensteen
Ecological Applications 30 (2), e02036, 2020
Genome-resolved metagenomics suggests a mutualistic relationship between Mycoplasma and salmonid hosts
JA Rasmussen, KR Villumsen, DA Duchêne, LC Puetz, TO Delmont, ...
Communications Biology 4 (1), 579, 2021
From clear lakes to murky waters–tracing the functional response of high‐latitude lake communities to concurrent ‘greening’and ‘browning’
B Hayden, C Harrod, SM Thomas, AP Eloranta, JP Myllykangas, ...
Ecology letters 22 (5), 807-816, 2019
Environmental DNA: A new low-cost monitoring tool for pathogens in salmonid aquaculture
L Peters, S Spatharis, MA Dario, T Dwyer, IJT Roca, A Kintner, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 9, 3009, 2018
Facultative semelparity in capelin Mallotus villosus (Osmeridae)-an experimental test of a life history phenomenon in a sub-arctic fish
JS Christiansen, K Præbel, SI Siikavuopio, JE Carscadden
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 360 (1), 47-55, 2008
Speciation reversal in European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus (L.)) caused by competitor invasion
S Bhat, PA Amundsen, R Knudsen, KØ Gjelland, SE Fevolden, ...
PLoS One 9 (3), e91208, 2014
Shared ancestral polymorphism and chromosomal rearrangements as potential drivers of local adaptation in a marine fish
H Cayuela, Q Rougemont, M Laporte, C Mérot, E Normandeau, Y Dorant, ...
Molecular Ecology 29, 2379-2398, 2020
Parallel and non‐parallel morphological divergence among foraging specialists in European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus)
A Siwertsson, R Knudsen, CE Adams, K Præbel, PA Amundsen
Ecology and evolution 3 (6), 1590-1602, 2013
Invader population speeds up life history during colonization
PA Amundsen, E Salonen, T Niva, KØ Gjelland, K Præbel, OT Sandlund, ...
Biological Invasions 14, 1501-1513, 2012
Metabarcoding as a quantitative tool for estimating biodiversity and relative biomass of marine zooplankton
EA Ershova, OS Wangensteen, R Descoteaux, C Barth-Jensen, K Præbel
ICES Journal of Marine Science 78 (9), 3342-3355, 2021
Interactions between invading benthivorous fish and native whitefish in subarctic lakes
B Hayden, T Holopainen, PA Amundsen, AP Eloranta, R Knudsen, ...
Freshwater Biology 58 (6), 1234-1250, 2013
Discrete foraging niches promote ecological, phenotypic, and genetic divergence in sympatric whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus)
A Siwertsson, R Knudsen, K Præbel, CE Adams, J Newton, PA Amundsen
Evolutionary Ecology 27, 547-564, 2013
Homing behaviour of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) during final phase of marine migration and river entry
JG Davidsen, AH Rikardsen, EB Thorstad, E Halttunen, H Mitamura, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70 (5), 794-802, 2013
Swimming energetics of the Barents Sea capelin (Mallotus villosus) during the spawning migration period
JW Behrens, K Præbel, JF Steffensen
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 331 (2), 208-216, 2006
Boreal marine fauna from the Barents Sea disperse to Arctic Northeast Greenland
AJ Andrews, JS Christiansen, S Bhat, A Lynghammar, JI Westgaard, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 5799, 2019
Polygenic selection drives the evolution of convergent transcriptomic landscapes across continents within a Nearctic sister‐species complex
C Rougeux, PA Gagnaire, K Praebel, O Seehausen, L Bernatchez
Molecular ecology 28 (19), 4388-4403, 2019
DNA metabarcoding of deep-sea sediment communities using COI: community assessment, spatio-temporal patterns and comparison with 18S rDNA
S Atienza, M Guardiola, K Præbel, A Antich, X Turon, OS Wangensteen
Diversity 12 (4), 123, 2020
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Articles 1–20