Aaron W. Lukaszewski
Aaron W. Lukaszewski
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, California State University, Fullerton
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Rapid endocrine responses of young men to social interactions with young women
JR Roney, AW Lukaszewski, ZL Simmons
Hormones and Behavior 52 (3), 326-333, 2007
The role of physical formidability in human social status allocation.
AW Lukaszewski, ZL Simmons, C Anderson, JR Roney
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 110 (3), 385, 2016
The origins of extraversion: joint effects of facultative calibration and genetic polymorphism
AW Lukaszewski, JR Roney
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 37 (3), 409, 2011
Descriptive, predictive and explanatory personality research: Different goals, different approaches, but a shared need to move beyond the Big Few traits
R Mõttus, D Wood, DM Condon, MD Back, A Baumert, G Costantini, ...
European Journal of Personality 34 (6), 1175-1201, 2020
Cues of upper body strength account for most of the variance in men's bodily attractiveness
A Sell, AW Lukazsweski, M Townsley
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1869), 20171819, 2017
Niche diversity can explain cross-cultural differences in personality structure
PE Smaldino, A Lukaszewski, C von Rueden, M Gurven
Nature Human Behaviour 3 (12), 1276-1283, 2019
Androgen receptor gene sequence and basal cortisol concentrations predict men's hormonal responses to potential mates
JR Roney, ZL Simmons, AW Lukaszewski
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277 (1678), 57, 2010
What explains personality covariation? A test of the socioecological complexity hypothesis
AW Lukaszewski, M Gurven, CR von Rueden, DP Schmitt
Social Psychological and Personality Science 8 (8), 943-952, 2017
Estimated hormones predict women's mate preferences for dominant personality traits
AW Lukaszewski, JR Roney
Personality and Individual Differences 47 (3), 191-196, 2009
Psychological foundations of human status allocation
PK Durkee, AW Lukaszewski, DM Buss
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (35), 21235-21241, 2020
Testing an adaptationist theory of trait covariation: Relative bargaining power as a common calibrator of an interpersonal syndrome
AW Lukaszewski
European Journal of Personality 27 (4), 328-345, 2013
Kind toward whom? Mate preferences for personality traits are target specific
AW Lukaszewski, JR Roney
Evolution and human behavior 31 (1), 29-38, 2010
Human life history strategies: Calibrated to external or internal cues?
KJ Chua, AW Lukaszewski, DMM Grant, O Sng
Evolutionary Psychology 15 (1), 1474704916677342, 2017
Bottom up construction of a personality taxonomy
DM Condon, D Wood, R Mõttus, T Booth, G Costantini, S Greiff, ...
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 2021
The emotion–valuation constellation: Multiple emotions are governed by a common grammar of social valuation
D Sznycer, AW Lukaszewski
Evolution and Human Behavior 40 (4), 395-404, 2019
Pride and shame: Key components of a culturally universal status management system
PK Durkee, AW Lukaszewski, DM Buss
Evolution and Human Behavior 40 (5), 470-478, 2019
Adaptive personality calibration in a human society: effects of embodied capital on prosocial traits
CR von Rueden, AW Lukaszewski, M Gurven
Behavioral Ecology 26 (4), 1071-1082, 2015
An adaptationist framework for personality science
AW Lukaszewski, DMG Lewis, PK Durkee, AN Sell, D Sznycer, DM Buss
European Journal of Personality 34 (6), 1151-1174, 2020
Condition-dependent calibration of men’s uncommitted mating orientation: evidence from multiple samples
AW Lukaszewski, CM Larson, KA Gildersleeve, JR Roney, MG Haselton
Evolution and Human Behavior 35 (4), 319-326, 2014
Assortative mating and the evolution of desirability covariation
D Conroy-Beam, JR Roney, AW Lukaszewski, DM Buss, K Asao, ...
Evolution and Human Behavior 40 (5), 479-491, 2019
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Articles 1–20