Wanjing Ma
Cited by
Cited by
Integrated optimization of traffic signals and vehicle trajectories at isolated urban intersections
C Yu, Y Feng, HX Liu, W Ma, X Yang
Transportation research part B: methodological 112, 89-112, 2018
How many crashes can connected vehicle and automated vehicle technologies prevent: A meta-analysis
L Wang, H Zhong, W Ma, M Abdel-Aty, J Park
Accident Analysis & Prevention 136, 105299, 2020
Development and evaluation of a coordinated and conditional bus priority approach
W Ma, X Yang, Y Liu
Transportation Research Record 2145 (1), 49-58, 2010
A dynamic programming approach for optimal signal priority control upon multiple high-frequency bus requests
W Ma, Y Liu, X Yang
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 17 (4), 282-293, 2013
Integrated optimization of transit priority operation at isolated intersections: A person-capacity-based approach
W Ma, KL Head, Y Feng
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 40, 49-62, 2014
Increasing the capacity of signalized intersections with dynamic use of exit lanes for left-turn traffic
J Zhao, W Ma, HM Zhang, X Yang
Transportation research record 2355 (1), 49-59, 2013
Vehicle relocation in one-way station-based electric carsharing systems: A comparative study of operator-based and user-based methods
K Huang, K An, J Rich, W Ma
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 142, 102081, 2020
Corridor level cooperative trajectory optimization with connected and automated vehicles
C Yu, Y Feng, HX Liu, W Ma, X Yang
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 105, 405-421, 2019
Optimization of pedestrian phase patterns and signal timings for isolated intersection
W Ma, D Liao, Y Liu, HK Lo
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 58, 502-514, 2015
Optimization of dynamic relocation operations for one-way electric carsharing systems
L Wang, Q Liu, W Ma
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 101, 55-69, 2019
Optimal operation of displaced left-turn intersections: A lane-based approach
J Zhao, W Ma, KL Head, X Yang
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 61, 29-48, 2015
A survey on urban traffic control under mixed traffic environment with connected automated vehicles
J Li, C Yu, Z Shen, Z Su, W Ma
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 154, 104258, 2023
A partition-enabled multi-mode band approach to arterial traffic signal optimization
W Ma, L Zou, K An, NH Gartner, M Wang
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (1), 313-322, 2018
Optimization of vehicle and pedestrian signals at isolated intersections
C Yu, W Ma, K Han, X Yang
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 98, 135-153, 2017
Investigating the impacts of green signal countdown devices: empirical approach and case study in China
W Ma, Y Liu, X Yang
Journal of Transportation Engineering 136 (11), 1049-1055, 2010
Development and evaluation of bus lanes with intermittent and dynamic priority in connected vehicle environment
W Wu, L Head, S Yan, W Ma
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (4), 301-310, 2018
Multi-objective optimization of traffic signals based on vehicle trajectory data at isolated intersections
W Ma, L Wan, C Yu, L Zou, J Zheng
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 120, 102821, 2020
Effective coordinated optimization model for transit priority control under arterial progression
W Ma, W Ni, L Head, J Zhao
Transportation Research Record 2366 (1), 71-83, 2013
Integrated optimization of lane markings and timings for signalized roundabouts
W Ma, Y Liu, L Head, X Yang
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 36, 307-323, 2013
A passive transit signal priority approach for bus rapid transit system
W Ma, X Yang
2007 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 413-418, 2007
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