Karl S. Berg
Karl S. Berg
Associate Professor, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Browsnville, Texas
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Adaptive responses of animals to climate change are most likely insufficient
V Radchuk, T Reed, C Teplitsky, M van de Pol, A Charmantier, C Hassall, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 3109, 2019
Current threats faced by Neotropical parrot populations
I Berkunsky, P Quillfeldt, DJ Brightsmith, MC Abbud, J Aguilar, ...
Biological Conservation 214, 278-287, 2017
Vertical transmission of learned signatures in a wild parrot
KS Berg, S Delgado, KA Cortopassi, SR Beissinger, JW Bradbury
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1728), 585-591, 2012
Phylogenetic and ecological determinants of the neotropical dawn chorus
KS Berg, RT Brumfield, V Apanius
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273 (1589), 999-1005, 2006
Contact calls are used for individual mate recognition in free-ranging green-rumped parrotlets, Forpus passerinus
KS Berg, S Delgado, R Okawa, SR Beissinger, JW Bradbury
Animal Behaviour 81 (1), 241-248, 2011
Factors shaping the ontogeny of vocal signals in a wild parrot
KS Berg, SR Beissinger, JW Bradbury
Journal of Experimental Biology 216 (2), 338-345, 2013
Great Green Macaws and the annual cycle of their food plants in Ecuador
KS Berg, J Socola, RR Angel
Journal of Field Ornithology 78 (1), 1-10, 2007
Seasonal roosts of Red‐lored Amazons in Ecuador provide information about population size and structure
KS Berg, RR Angel
Journal of Field Ornithology 77 (2), 95-103, 2006
Avifauna of the Mache Chindul ecological reserve, northwest Ecuador
L Carrasco, KS Berg, J Litz, A Cook, J Karubian
Ornitologia Neotropical, 2013
New and interesting records of birds from a dry forest reserve in south-west Ecuador
KS Berg
Cotinga, 1994
Phylogenetic and kinematic constraints on avian flight signals
KS Berg, S Delgado, A Mata-Betancourt
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1911), 20191083, 2019
Adaptive responses of animals to climate change are most likely insufficient. Nat Commun 10: 3109
V Radchuk, T Reed, C Teplitsky, M van de Pol, A Charmantier, C Hassall, ...
Conservation status of the recently described Ecuadorian Amazon parrot Amazona lilacina
R Biddle, IS Ponce, P Cun, S Tollington, M Jones, S Marsden, C Devenish, ...
Bird Conservation International 30 (4), 586-598, 2020
The birds of southwest Ecuador
P Coopmans, JV Moore, N Krabbe, O Jahn, KS Berg, M Lysinger, ...
Audio publication) JV Moore Nature Recordings, San Jose, CA, 2004
Field notes on the biology of the Long-wattled Umbrellabird Cephalopterus penduliger in west Ecuador.
KS Berg
Cotinga, 2000
Vocal babbling in a wild parrot shows life history and endocrine affinities with human infants
R Eggleston, N Viloria, S Delgado, A Mata, HY Guerrero, RJ Kline, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289 (1976), 20220592, 2022
Allo-preening is linked to vocal signature development in a wild parrot
CMM Arellano, NV Canelón, S Delgado, KS Berg
Behavioral Ecology 33 (1), 202-212, 2022
Adaptive responses of animals to climate change are most likely insufficient. Nat Commun 10: 1–14
V Radchuk, T Reed, C Teplitsky, M Van De Pol, A Charmantier, C Hassall, ...
Notes on the natural history of the Pale-mandibled Araçari
KS Berg
Journal of Field Ornithology 72 (2), 258-266, 2001
Ontogeny of the adrenocortical response in an extremely altricial bird
KS Berg, S Delgado, A Mata‐Betancourt, JS Krause, JC Wingfield, ...
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative …, 2019
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