Elizaveta Ershova
Elizaveta Ershova
Institute of Marine Research
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Borealization of the Arctic Ocean in response to anomalous advection from sub-Arctic seas.
IV Polyakov, M Alkire, B Bluhm, K Brown, EC Carmack, M Chierici, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2020
Long-term changes in summer zooplankton communities of the western Chukchi Sea, 1945–2012
EA Ershova, RR Hopcroft, KN Kosobokova, K Matsuno, RJ Nelson, ...
Oceanography 28 (3), 100-115, 2015
Inter-annual variability of summer mesozooplankton communities of the western Chukchi Sea: 2004–2012
EA Ershova, RR Hopcroft, KN Kosobokova
Polar Biology 38, 1461-1481, 2015
The relationship between patterns of benthic fauna and zooplankton in the Chukchi Sea and physical forcing
MN Pisareva, RS Pickart, K Iken, EA Ershova, JM Grebmeier, LW Cooper, ...
Oceanography 28 (3), 68-83, 2015
Metabarcoding as a quantitative tool for estimating biodiversity and relative biomass of marine zooplankton
EA Ershova, OS Wangensteen, R Descoteaux, C Barth-Jensen, K Præbel
ICES Journal of Marine Science 78 (9), 3342-3355, 2021
What feeds the benthos in the Arctic Basins? Assembling a carbon budget for the deep Arctic Ocean
I Wiedmann, E Ershova, BA Bluhm, EM Nöthig, RR Gradinger, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 224, 2020
Sea ice decline drives biogeographical shifts of key Calanus species in the central Arctic Ocean
EA Ershova, KN Kosobokova, NS Banas, I Ellingsen, B Niehoff, ...
Global Change Biology 27 (10), 2128-2143, 2021
Diversity and distribution of meroplanktonic larvae in the Pacific Arctic and connectivity with adult benthic invertebrate communities
EA Ershova, R Descoteaux, OS Wangensteen, K Iken, RR Hopcroft, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 490, 2019
Seasonal variability in the zooplankton community structure in a sub-Arctic fjord as revealed by morphological and molecular approaches
E Coguiec, EA Ershova, M Daase, TR Vonnahme, OS Wangensteen, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 705042, 2021
Cross-shelf structure and distribution of mesozooplankton communities in the East-Siberian Sea and the adjacent Arctic Ocean
EA Ershova, KN Kosobokova
Polar Biology 42, 1353-1367, 2019
Meroplankton diversity, seasonality and life-history traits across the Barents Sea Polar Front revealed by high-throughput DNA barcoding
R Descôteaux, E Ershova, OS Wangensteen, K Præbel, PE Renaud, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 677732, 2021
Population structure and production of four sibling species of Pseudocalanus spp. in the Chukchi Sea
EA Ershova, JM Questel, K Kosobokova, RR Hopcroft
Journal of Plankton Research 39 (1), 48-64, 2017
Evidence for oscillating circadian clock genes in the copepod Calanus finmarchicus during the summer solstice in the high Arctic
L Hüppe, L Payton, K Last, D Wilcockson, E Ershova, B Meyer
Biology Letters 16 (7), 20200257, 2020
The influence of sea ice cover and Atlantic water advection on annual particle export north of Svalbard
C Dybwad, C Lalande, YV Bodur, SF Henley, F Cottier, EA Ershova, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 127 (10), e2022JC018897, 2022
Mock samples resolve biases in diversity estimates and quantitative interpretation of zooplankton metabarcoding data
EA Ershova, OS Wangensteen, T Falkenhaug
Marine Biodiversity 53 (5), 66, 2023
Seasonal dynamics and life histories of three sympatric species of Pseudocalanus in two Svalbard fjords
EA Ershova, MU Nyeggen, DA Yurikova, JE Søreide
Journal of Plankton Research 43 (2), 209-223, 2021
Thirty Years of Nutrient Biogeochemistry in the Barents Sea and the adjoining Arctic Ocean, 1990–2019, Sci. Data, 9, 649
K Gundersen, JS Møgster, VS Lien, E Ershova, LF Lunde, H Arnesen, ...
Widely rhythmic transcriptome in Calanus finmarchicus during the high Arctic summer solstice period
L Payton, L Hüppe, C Noirot, C Hoede, KS Last, D Wilcockson, E Ershova, ...
Iscience 24 (1), 2021
Photoperiodism and overwintering in boreal and sub-Arctic Calanus finmarchicus populations
E Coguiec, KS Last, JH Cohen, L Hobbs, M Choquet, E Ershova, J Berge, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 712, 49-65, 2023
Thirty years of nutrient biogeochemistry in the Barents Sea and the adjoining Arctic Ocean, 1990–2019
K Gundersen, JS Møgster, VS Lien, E Ershova, LF Lunde, H Arnesen, ...
Scientific Data 9 (1), 649, 2022
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Articles 1–20