Ben Phalan
Ben Phalan
Parque das Aves/Instituto Claravis, Paraná, Brasil
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Reconciling food production and biodiversity conservation: land sharing and land sparing compared
B Phalan, M Onial, A Balmford, RE Green
Science 333 (6047), 1289-1291, 2011
How will oil palm expansion affect biodiversity?
EB Fitzherbert, MJ Struebig, A Morel, F Danielsen, CA Brühl, PF Donald, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 23 (10), 538-545, 2008
A global strategy for road building
WF Laurance, GR Clements, S Sloan, CS O’Connell, ND Mueller, ...
Nature 513 (7517), 229-232, 2014
Biofuel plantations on forested lands: double jeopardy for biodiversity and climate
F Danielsen, H Beukema, ND Burgess, F Parish, CA Brühl, PF Donald, ...
Conservation Biology 23 (2), 348-358, 2009
Global forest loss disproportionately erodes biodiversity in intact landscapes
MG Betts, C Wolf, WJ Ripple, B Phalan, KA Millers, A Duarte, ...
Nature 547 (7664), 441-444, 2017
Minimising the harm to biodiversity of producing more food globally
B Phalan, A Balmford, RE Green, JPW Scharlemann
Food Policy 36, S62-S71, 2011
What conservationists need to know about farming
A Balmford, R Green, B Phalan
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1739), 2714-2724, 2012
Seasonal sexual segregation in two Thalassarche albatross species: competitive exclusion, reproductive role specialization or foraging niche divergence?
RA Phillips, JRD Silk, B Phalan, P Catry, JP Croxall
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004
Crop expansion and conservation priorities in tropical countries
B Phalan, M Bertzky, SHM Butchart, PF Donald, JPW Scharlemann, ...
PloS one 8 (1), e51759, 2013
Biodiversity in a forest-agriculture mosaic–The changing face of West African rainforests
K Norris, A Asase, B Collen, J Gockowksi, J Mason, B Phalan, A Wade
Biological Conservation 143 (10), 2341-2350, 2010
The environmental costs and benefits of high-yield farming
A Balmford, T Amano, H Bartlett, D Chadwick, A Collins, D Edwards, ...
Nature sustainability 1 (9), 477-485, 2018
How can higher-yield farming help to spare nature?
B Phalan, RE Green, LV Dicks, G Dotta, C Feniuk, A Lamb, ...
Science 351 (6272), 450-451, 2016
The PREDICTS database: a global database of how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human impacts
LN Hudson, T Newbold, S Contu, SLL Hill, I Lysenko, A De Palma, ...
Ecology and Evolution 4 (24), 4701-4735, 2014
The potential for land sparing to offset greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture
A Lamb, R Green, I Bateman, M Broadmeadow, T Bruce, J Burney, ...
Nature Climate Change 6 (5), 488-492, 2016
The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project
LN Hudson, T Newbold, S Contu, SLL Hill, I Lysenko, A De Palma, ...
Ecology and Evolution 7 (1), 145-188, 2017
Reducing the land use of EU pork production: where there’s swill, there’s a way
EKHJ zu Ermgassen, B Phalan, RE Green, A Balmford
Food Policy 58, 35-48, 2016
Extinction filters mediate the global effects of habitat fragmentation on animals
MG Betts, C Wolf, M Pfeifer, C Banks-Leite, V Arroyo-Rodríguez, ...
Science 366 (6470), 1236-1239, 2019
The social and environmental impacts of biofuels in Asia: an overview
B Phalan
Applied Energy 86, S21-S29, 2009
What Have We Learned from the Land Sparing-sharing Model?
B Phalan
Sustainability 10 (6), 1760, 2018
Foraging behaviour of four albatross species by night and day
B Phalan, RA Phillips, JRD Silk, V Afanasyev, A Fukuda, J Fox, P Catry, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 340, 271-286, 2007
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Articles 1–20