Meaghan Rourke
Meaghan Rourke
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Environmental DNA (eDNA) as a tool for assessing fish biomass: A review of approaches and future considerations for resource surveys
ML Rourke, AM Fowler, JM Hughes, MK Broadhurst, JD DiBattista, ...
Environmental DNA 4 (1), 9-33, 2022
Signatures of polygenic adaptation associated with climate across the range of a threatened fish species with high genetic connectivity
KA Harrisson, SJ Amish, A Pavlova, SR Narum, M Telonis‐Scott, ...
Molecular ecology 26 (22), 6253-6269, 2017
Toward river health assessment using species distributional modeling
I Growns, M Rourke, D Gilligan
Ecological Indicators 29, 138-144, 2013
Impacts of stock enhancement strategies on the effective population size of Murray cod, Maccullochella peelii, a threatened Australian fish
BA Ingram, B Hayes, ML Rourke
Fisheries Management and Ecology 18 (6), 467-481, 2011
Polygamy and low effective population size in a captive Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii) population: genetic implications for wild restocking programs
ML Rourke, HC McPartlan, BA Ingram, AC Taylor
Marine and Freshwater Research 60 (8), 873-883, 2009
Isolation and characterization of 125 microsatellite DNA markers in the blacklip abalone, Haliotis rubra
M Baranski, M Rourke, S Loughnan, C Austin, N Robinson
Molecular Ecology Notes 6 (3), 740-746, 2006
Best practice guidelines for environmental DNA biomonitoring in Australia and New Zealand
M De Brauwer, LJ Clarke, A Chariton, MK Cooper, M De Bruyn, E Furlan, ...
Environmental DNA 5 (3), 417-423, 2023
Variable stocking effect and endemic population genetic structure in Murray cod Maccullochella peelii
ML Rourke, HC McPartlan, BA Ingram, AC Taylor
Journal of Fish Biology 79 (1), 155-177, 2011
Detection of QTL for growth rate in the blacklip abalone (Haliotis rubra Leach) using selective DNA pooling
M Baranski, M Rourke, S Loughnan, B Hayes, C Austin, N Robinson
Animal Genetics 39 (6), 606-614, 2008
Environmental DNA protocol development guide for biomonitoring.
M De Brauwer, A Chariton, LJ Clarke, MK Cooper, J DiBattista, E Furlan, ...
National eDNA Reference Centre, 2022
Biogeography and life history ameliorate the potentially negative genetic effects of stocking on Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii)
ML Rourke, HC McPartlan, BA Ingram, AC Taylor
Marine and Freshwater Research 61 (8), 918-927, 2010
Characterization of microsatellite DNA markers for a mahseer species, Tor tambroides (Cyprinidae) and cross‐amplification in four congeners
T Nguyen, M Baranski, M Rourke, H McPARTLAN
Molecular Ecology Notes 7 (1), 109-112, 2007
Sequential fishways reconnect a coastal river reflecting restored migratory pathways for an entire fish community
ML Rourke, W Robinson, LJ Baumgartner, J Doyle, I Growns, JD Thiem
Restoration Ecology 27 (2), 399-407, 2019
Isolation and characterization of 102 new microsatellite loci in Murray cod, Maccullochella peelii peelii (Percichthyidae), and assessment of cross‐amplification in …
M Rourke, J Nheu, H Mountford, J Lade, B Ingram, H McPartlan
Molecular Ecology Notes 7 (6), 1258-1264, 2007
Poor utility of environmental DNA for estimating the biomass of a threatened freshwater teleost; but clear direction for future candidate assessments
ML Rourke, JW Walburn, MK Broadhurst, AM Fowler, JM Hughes, ...
Fisheries research 258, 106545, 2023
Barmah–Millewa fish condition monitoring–2008 annual summary and refuge habitat report
Z Tonkin, M Rourke
Report to the Murray–Darling Basin Commission, Canberra. Arthur Rylah …, 2008
Population genetic structure of Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii) and impacts of stocking in the Murray-Darling Basin
ML Rourke
Monash University, 2007
Identifying environmental correlates of intraspecific genetic variation
KA Harrisson, JDL Yen, A Pavlova, ML Rourke, D Gilligan, BA Ingram, ...
Heredity 117 (3), 155-164, 2016
Multi-decadal trends in large-bodied fish populations in the New South Wales Murray–Darling Basin, Australia
DA Crook, HT Schilling, DM Gilligan, M Asmus, CA Boys, GL Butler, ...
Marine and Freshwater Research 74 (11), 899-916, 2023
Environmental DNA test validation guidelines.
M De Brauwer, A Chariton, LJ Clarke, MK Cooper, J DiBattista, E Furlan, ...
National eDNA Reference Centre, 2022
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Articles 1–20