Karin Sant
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Cited by
Changing seas in the Early–Middle Miocene of Central Europe: a Mediterranean approach to Paratethyan stratigraphy
K Sant, D V. Palcu, O Mandic, W Krijgsman
Terra Nova 29 (5), 273-281, 2017
The link between tectonics and sedimentation in asymmetric extensional basins: Inferences from the study of the Sarajevo-Zenica Basin
N Andrić, K Sant, L Matenco, O Mandic, B Tomljenović, D Pavelić, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 83, 305-332, 2017
Integrated bio-magnetostratigraphy of the Badenian reference section Ugljevik in southern Pannonian Basin-implications for the Paratethys history (middle Miocene, Central Europe)
O Mandic, K Sant, ME Kallanxhi, S Ćorić, D Theobalt, P Grunert, ...
Global and Planetary Change 172, 374-395, 2019
Age and evolution of the Serbian Lake System: integrated results from Middle Miocene Lake Popovac
K Sant, O Mandic, L Rundić, KF Kuiper, W Krijgsman
Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 2017
The mid-Langhian flooding in the eastern Central Paratethys: integrated stratigraphic data from the Transylvanian Basin and SE Carpathian Foredeep
K Sant, DV Palcu, E Turco, A Di Stefano, N Baldassini, T Kouwenhoven, ...
International Journal of Earth Sciences 108, 2209-2232, 2019
40Ar/39Ar geochronology using high sensitivity mass spectrometry: Examples from middle Miocene horizons of the Central Paratethys
K Sant, KF Kuiper, S Rybar, P Grunert, M Harzhauser, O Mandic, ...
Geologica Carpathica 71 (2), 166-182, 2020
Age and mode of the middle Miocene marine flooding of the Pannonian Basin—constraints from Central Serbia
O Mandic, L Rundić, S Ćorić, Đ Pezelj, D Theobalt, K Sant, W Krijgsman
Palaios 34 (2), 71-95, 2019
New 40Ar/39Ar, fission track and sedimentological data on a middle Miocene tuff occurring in the Vienna Basin: Implications for the north-western Central Paratethys region
S Rybar, K Šarinová, K Sant, KF Kuiper, M Kováčová, R Vojtko, MK Reiser, ...
Geologica Carpathica 70 (5), 386-404, 2019
Late Burdigalian sea retreat from the North Alpine Foreland Basin: new magnetostratigraphic age constraints
K Sant, U Kirscher, B Reichenbacher, M Pippčrr, D Jung, G Doppler, ...
Global and Planetary Change 152, 38-50, 2017
Towards a high-resolution chronostratigraphy and geochronology for the Pannonian Stage: Significance of the Paks cores (Central Pannonian Basin)
I Magyar, O Sztanó, K Sebe, L Katona, V Csoma, Á Görög, E Tóth, ...
Földtani Közlöny 149 (3, 4), 351-351, 2019
Integrated stratigraphy of the Guşteriţa clay pit: a key section for the early Pannonian (late Miocene) of the Transylvanian Basin (Romania)
D Botka, I Magyar, V Csoma, E Tóth, M Šujan, Z Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger, ...
Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences 112 (2), 221-247, 2019
Magneto-biostratigraphy and paleoenvironments of the Miocene freshwater sediments of the Sarajevo-Zenica Basin
K Sant, N Andrić, O Mandic, V Demir, D Pavelić, L Rundić, H Hrvatović, ...
Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology 506, 48-69, 2018
Paleomagnetism in Lake Pannon: Problems, pitfalls, and progress in using iron sulfides for magnetostratigraphy
NA Kelder, K Sant, MJ Dekkers, I Magyar, GA van Dijk, YZ Lathouwers, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 19 (9), 3405-3429, 2018
Paleomagnetic analyses on Badenian–Sarmatian drill cores from the north Carpathian foredeep (middle Miocene, Poland)
K Sant, A de Leeuw, L Chang, G Czapowski, A Gasiewicz, W Krijgsman
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego 461, 179-192, 2015
Three-dimensional geological modeling supports a revised Burdigalian chronostratigraphy in the North Alpine Foreland Basin
F Hofmayer, U Kirscher, K Sant, W Krijgsman, T Fritzer, D Jung, ...
International Journal of Earth Sciences 108, 2627-2651, 2019
Radioisotopic age and biostratigraphic position of a lower Badenian tuffite from the western Polish Carpathian Foredeep Basin (Cieszyn area)
K Bukowski, K Sant, M Pilarz, K Kuiper, M Garecka
Geological Quarterly 62, 2018
The middle Burdigalian in the North Alpine Foreland Basin (Bavaria, SE Germany)-a lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic re-evaluation
M Pippčrr, B Reichenbacher, U Kirscher, K Sant, H Hanebeck
Newsl. Stratigr 51, 285-309, 2018
Miocene paleo-lakes of the southwestern Pannonian Basin
M Kovačić, O Mandic, B Tomljenović
Litho-and biostratigraphic data of lower-middle Miocene sections in the Transylvanian basin and SE Carpathian Foredeep (Romania)
K Sant, DV Palcu, E Turco, A Di Stefano, N Baldassini, T Kouwenhoven, ...
Data in brief 24, 103904, 2019
Lake-Basin-Evolution, Field Trip Guidebook: RCMNS Interim Colloquium 2016 & Croatian Geological Society Limnogeology Workshop, 19-24 May 2016, Zagreb, Croatia
O Mandic, D Pavelić, M Kovačić, K Sant, N Andric, H Hrvatović
Hrvatsko geološko društvo/Croatian Geological Society, 2016
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Articles 1–20