Jeffrey Klein
Jeffrey Klein
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Cosmic ray production rates of 10Be and 26Al in quartz from glacially polished rocks
K Nishiizumi, EL Winterer, CP Kohl, J Klein, R Middleton, D Lal, JR Arnold
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 94 (B12), 17907-17915, 1989
Calibration of radiocarbon dates: tables based on the consensus data of the Workshop on Calibrating the Radiocarbon Time Scale
J Klein, JC Lerman, PE Damon, EK Ralph
Radiocarbon 24 (2), 103-150, 1982
Sediment incorporation in island-arc magmas: Inferences from 10Be
F Tera, L Brown, J Morris, IS Sacks, J Klein, R Middleton
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 50 (4), 535-550, 1986
Cosmic ray produced 10Be and 26Al in Antarctic rocks: exposure and erosion history
K Nishiizumi, CP Kohl, JR Arnold, J Klein, D Fink, R Middleton
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 104 (2-4), 440-454, 1991
ACTPol: a polarization-sensitive receiver for the Atacama Cosmology Telescope
MD Niemack, PAR Ade, J Aguirre, F Barrientos, JA Beall, JR Bond, ...
Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation …, 2010
Optical design of the Atacama cosmology telescope and the millimeter bolometric array camera
JW Fowler, MD Niemack, SR Dicker, AM Aboobaker, PAR Ade, ...
Applied optics 46 (17), 3444-3454, 2007
Beryllium-10 dating of the duration and retreat of the last Pinedale glacial sequence
JC Gosse, J Klein, B Lawn, R Middleton, EB Evenson
Science 268 (5215), 1329-1333, 1995
Production of 10Be and 26Al by cosmic rays in terrestrial quartz in situ and implications for erosion rates
K Nishiizumi, D Lal, J Klein, R Middleton, JR Arnold
Nature 319 (6049), 134-136, 1986
Role of in situ cosmogenic nuclides 10be and 26al in the study of diverse geomorphic processes
K Nishiizumi, CP Kohl, JR Arnold, R Dorn, I Klein, D Fink, R Middleton, ...
Earth surface processes and landforms 18 (5), 407-425, 1993
Precise cosmogenic 10Be measurements in western North America: Support for a global Younger Dryas cooling event
JC Gosse, EB Evenson, J Klein, B Lawn, R Middleton
Geology 23 (10), 877-880, 1995
The balloon-borne large aperture submillimeter telescope: BLAST
E Pascale, PAR Ade, JJ Bock, EL Chapin, J Chung, MJ Devlin, S Dicker, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 681 (1), 400, 2008
The global-average production rate of10Be
MC Monaghan, S Krishnaswami, KK Turekian
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 76 (3-4), 279-287, 1986
The Atacama cosmology telescope: the polarization-sensitive ACTPol instrument
RJ Thornton, PAR Ade, S Aiola, FE Angile, M Amiri, JA Beall, DT Becker, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 227 (2), 21, 2016
A negative-ion cookbook
R Middleton
University of Pennsylvania, unpublished, 1989
Cosmogenic 36Cl and 10Be ages of Quaternary glacial and fluvial deposits of the Wind River Range, Wyoming
FM Phillips, MG Zreda, JC Gosse, J Klein, EB Evenson, RD Hall, ...
Geological Society of America Bulletin 109 (11), 1453-1463, 1997
10Be analysis of a Quaternary weathering profile in the Virginia Piedmont
MJ Pavich, L Brown, JN Valette-Silver, J Klein, R Middleton
Geology 13 (1), 39-41, 1985
10Be in island-arc volcanoes and implications for subduction
L Brown, J Klein, R Middleton, IS Sacks, F Tera
Nature 299 (5885), 718-720, 1982
10Be distribution in soils from Merced River terraces, California
MJ Pavich, L Brown, J Harden, J Klein, R Middleton
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 50 (8), 1727-1735, 1986
Balloon-borne submillimeter polarimetry of the Vela C molecular cloud: systematic dependence of polarization fraction on column density and local polarization-angle dispersion
LM Fissel, PAR Ade, FE Angilè, P Ashton, SJ Benton, MJ Devlin, B Dober, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 824 (2), 134, 2016
Revealing histories of exposure using in situ produced 26Al and 10Be in Libyan desert glass
J Klein, R Giegengack, R Middleton, P Sharma, JR Underwood, ...
Radiocarbon 28 (2A), 547-555, 1986
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