Szilvia Kovács
Szilvia Kovács
Szent Istvan University Faculty of Veterinary Science
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“Air pollution is bad for my health”: Hungarian children's knowledge of the role of environment in health and disease
ZF Pluhar, BF Piko, S Kovacs, A Uzzoli
Health & place 15 (1), 239-246, 2009
The role of intestinal volatile fatty acids in the Salmonella shedding of pigs
L Prohaszka, BM Jayarao, A Fabian, S Kovacs
Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Series B 37 (1‐10), 570-574, 1990
Factors affecting DNA quality in feathers used for non-invasive sampling
N Vili, E Nemesházi, S Kovács, M Horváth, L Kalmár, K Szabó
Journal of Ornithology 154, 587-595, 2013
Change in migration phenology and biometrics of two conspecific Sylvia species in Hungary
S Kovács, T Csörgő, A Harnos, P Fehérvári, K Nagy
Journal of Ornithology 152, 365-373, 2011
Genetic structure of the Imperial Eagle () population in Slovakia
N Vili, J Chavko, K Szabó, S Kovács, E Hornung, L Kalmár, M Horváth
Raptor Journal 3 (2009), 21-28, 2009
Changes in migration phenology and biometrical traits of Reed, Marsh and Sedge Warblers
S Kovács, P Fehérvári, K Nagy, A Harnos, T Csörgő
Central European Journal of Biology 7, 115-125, 2012
Increasing protandry in the spring migration of the Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) in Central Europe
A Harnos, Á Nóra, S Kovács, Z Lang, T Csörgő
Journal of Ornithology 156, 543-546, 2015
High turnover rate revealed by non-invasive genetic analyses in an expanding eastern imperial eagle population
N Vili, K Szabó, S Kovács, P Kabai, L Kalmár, M Horváth
Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 59 (3), 279-295, 2013
Irradiation of meat products, chicken and use of irradiated spices for sausages
IF Kiss, J Beczner, GY Zachariev, S Kovacs
International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part C …, 1990
A kunok története a mongol hódításig
K Szilvia
PQDT-Global, 2012
Urban sprawl and its spatial, social consequences in the Budapest Metropolitan Region
V Szirmai, Z Váradi, S Kovács, N Baranyai, J Schuchmann
Urban sprawl in Europe. Similarities or differences, 141-186, 2011
Epidemiology and characterization of animal Salmonella enterica subspecies Enterica serotype typhimurium DT104 in Hungary.
G Szmolleny, A Kostyak, S Kovacs, K Speed, Y Jones, VG Laszlo, I Gado, ...
Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 48 (4), 407-420, 2000
A klímaváltozás hatásainak vizsgálata hosszútávú madárgyűrűzési adatsorok elemzésével
T Csörgő, A Harnos, S Kovács, K Nagy
Természetvédelmi Közlemények 15, 1-12, 2009
Prevalence of Salmonella serotypes in pigs and evaluation of a rapid, presumptive test for detection of Salmonella in pig faeces.
BM Jayarao, G Biro, S Kovacs, H Domjan, A Fabian
Acta veterinaria Hungarica 37 (1-2), 39-44, 1989
Demonstration of antibiotic residues in the meat of slaughtered animals.
J Takács, S Kovács
ZS.–PÁGER, B.–SZABÓ, T.(2021): A hazai COVID-19-járványhullámok területi különbségei Területi Statisztika 61 (3): 291–319
Evaluation of fruit quality parameters of Rosa taxa from the Carpathian basin
S Kovács, M G Tóth, G Facsar
Univerzális, ivarhatározáshoz használt CHD1 markerek alkalmazhatósága különböző madárrendekben
N Ágh, S Kovács, E Nemesházi, K Szabó
Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja, 2018
Zs.–Páger, B.–Szabó, T.(2021): A hazai COVID–19-járványhullámok területi különbségei
A Uzzoli, S Kovács
Területi Statisztika 61 (3), 291-319, 0
Regional inequalities in the waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in Hungary
A Uzzoli, S Kovács, B Páger, T Szabó
Területi Stat 61, 291-319, 2021
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Articles 1–20