Luca Braga
Luca Braga
Principal Investigator, ICGEB
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Cited by
The furin cleavage site in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is required for transmission in ferrets
TP Peacock, DH Goldhill, J Zhou, L Baillon, R Frise, OC Swann, ...
Nature microbiology 6 (7), 899-909, 2021
MicroRNA therapy stimulates uncontrolled cardiac repair after myocardial infarction in pigs
K Gabisonia, G Prosdocimo, GD Aquaro, L Carlucci, L Zentilin, I Secco, ...
Nature 569 (7756), 418-422, 2019
Drugs that inhibit TMEM16 proteins block SARS-CoV-2 spike-induced syncytia
L Braga, H Ali, I Secco, E Chiavacci, G Neves, D Goldhill, R Penn, ...
Nature 594 (7861), 88-93, 2021
Persistence of viral RNA, pneumocyte syncytia and thrombosis are hallmarks of advanced COVID-19 pathology
R Bussani, E Schneider, L Zentilin, C Collesi, H Ali, L Braga, MC Volpe, ...
EBioMedicine 61, 2020
The history and mystery of alveolar epithelial type II cells: focus on their physiologic and pathologic role in lung
B Ruaro, F Salton, L Braga, B Wade, P Confalonieri, MC Volpe, ...
International journal of molecular sciences 22 (5), 2566, 2021
Endothelial cell–cardiomyocyte crosstalk in heart development and disease
A Colliva, L Braga, M Giacca, S Zacchigna
The Journal of physiology 598 (14), 2923-2939, 2020
Regeneration or repair? The role of alveolar epithelial cells in the pathogenesis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)
P Confalonieri, MC Volpe, J Jacob, S Maiocchi, F Salton, B Ruaro, ...
Cells 11 (13), 2095, 2022
Common regulatory pathways mediate activity of microRNAs inducing cardiomyocyte proliferation
C Torrini, RJ Cubero, E Dirkx, L Braga, H Ali, G Prosdocimo, MI Gutierrez, ...
Cell reports 27 (9), 2759-2771. e5, 2019
The furin cleavage site of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is a key determinant for transmission due to enhanced replication in airway cells
TP Peacock, DH Goldhill, J Zhou, L Baillon, R Frise, OC Swann, ...
BioRxiv, 2020.09. 30.318311, 2020
Non-coding RNA therapeutics for cardiac regeneration
L Braga, H Ali, I Secco, M Giacca
Cardiovascular research 117 (3), 674-693, 2021
Regenerative potential of epicardium-derived extracellular vesicles mediated by conserved miRNA transfer
CV Del Campo, NY Liaw, M Gunadasa-Rohling, M Matthaei, L Braga, ...
Cardiovascular Research 118 (2), 597-611, 2022
Cellular TRIM33 restrains HIV-1 infection by targeting viral integrase for proteasomal degradation
H Ali, M Mano, L Braga, A Naseem, B Marini, DM Vu, C Collesi, G Meroni, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 926, 2019
Cardiac regeneration and remodelling of the cardiomyocyte cytoarchitecture
H Ali, L Braga, M Giacca
The FEBS journal 287 (3), 417-438, 2020
miR-200 family members reduce senescence and restore idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis type II alveolar epithelial cell transdifferentiation
S Moimas, F Salton, B Kosmider, N Ring, MC Volpe, K Bahmed, L Braga, ...
ERJ open research 5 (4), 2019
Radiological–pathological signatures of patients with COVID-19-related pneumomediastinum: is there a role for the Sonic hedgehog and Wnt5a pathways?
E Baratella, R Bussani, F Zanconati, C Marrocchio, G Fabiola, L Braga, ...
ERJ open research 7 (3), 2021
The furin cleavage site in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is required for transmission in ferrets. Nat Microbiol 6: 899–909
TP Peacock, DH Goldhill, J Zhou, L Baillon, R Frise, OC Swann, ...
Transgene detection by digital droplet PCR
DA Moser, L Braga, A Raso, S Zacchigna, M Giacca, P Simon
PLoS One 9 (11), e111781, 2014
Chronic obstructive Pulmonary Disease Definition: is it time to incorporate the Concept of failure of lung regeneration?
M Confalonieri, L Braga, F Salton, B Ruaro, P Confalonieri
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 207 (3), 366-367, 2023
The predictive and prognostic role of RAS–RAF–MEK–ERK pathway alterations in breast cancer: revision of the literature and comparison with the analysis of cancer genomic datasets
A Rocca, L Braga, MC Volpe, S Maiocchi, D Generali
Cancers 14 (21), 5306, 2022
CRISPR-Csy4-mediated editing of rotavirus double-stranded RNA genome
G Papa, L Venditti, L Braga, E Schneider, M Giacca, G Petris, OR Burrone
Cell Reports 32 (13), 2020
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Articles 1–20